DreamShell → [WIP] DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 2 Preview: G1-ATA with IDE HDD

Update 21.04.2014: D2, Jet Set Radio, Rayman 2, Sonic Adventure 2
Update 15.04.2014: Alien Front Online
Update 13.04.2014: Illbleed
Several videos demonstrating the G1-ATA adapter with IDE HDD.
It's not final release, WIP.
HDD works in PIO mode for now, not on full speed.
Please watch videos in HD.
Legacy of Kain — Soul Reaver (GDI)
Crazy Taxi 2 (GDI)
Illbleed (GDI)
Alien Front Online (GDI)
D2 (GDI)
Jet Set Radio (GDI)
Rayman 2 The Great Escape (GDI)
Sonic Adventure 2 (GDI)
Donate for this project: www.dc-swat.ru/page/dreamshell/
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- 21 апреля 2014, 00:00
Комментарии (10)
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In fact, it's pretty easy to make yourself. I favor DIY making ;)
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Could you tell us the reading speed you got with that adapter?
Also, could it work along with the DS bios to boot from IDE HDD and not require the gd-rom daughterboard?
By the way: GREAT WORK!
Thank you!
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Currently (in PIO mode) the rate about of 3 MB/s. For comparison, the SD serial have 500-600 KB/s.
With DMA, speed can be much more (~10-12 MB/s), but it still works unstable.
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Isn't 3MB/s like 20x? So it's already faster than the Dreamcast drive reading CD-R (4x) or even GD-Rom (12x) and you think you could reach around 70x? That's amazing! And it seems like an adapter wouldn't cost much furthermore!
Could we see a shenmue loading screen just for comparison? Any compatibility issue?
спасибо мой друг!
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Adapter very DIYable, it's can be free for some people.
Compatibility has become better, but certainly not 100%.
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