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SATA adapter chipsets
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boxcutter Не на форуме

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SATA adapter chipsets
can people with working or not-working sata adapters please list the chips they use.

i want to build a table of compatability.
ones i will test in the coming months as i find them:
Sunplus - SPIF223A
Jmicron - JM20330

and whatever is under the sticker on this:

this is soo compact, i hope it will work! Smile

so i am making a list now. Smile

these chipsets can work.
Marvell - 88SA8052 (SATA2 3Gb/s)
JMicron - JM20330 (SATA 1.5Gb/s) - have datasheet, is bi-directional, is master/slave configurable.
DOF - B75KD0241

these are untested - but i found they exist.
Marvell - 88SA8040 (SATA 1.5Gb/s) - have pinout
Sunplus - SPIF223A (SATA 1.5Gb/s) - have datasheet, is bi-directional, is master/slave configurable.
Silicon Image - SIL3811 (SATA 1.5Gb/s) - may be sata-host only
DOF - B74KW0141 (is this the same as DOF - B75KD0241 ???)

the board must have a jumper / pad to select master or slave drive,
(or be modded if we have the pinout of the chip)

one thing i know from upgrading ps3's,
unless your using the Marvell - 88SA8052 your drive must respond to SATA1 speeds.
some drives need a jumper to make that work.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 01.04.2016 в 00:38, отредактировал пользователь boxcutter.)
30.03.2016 22:32
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Gillbert Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: SATA adapter chipsets
The chipset type alone does not indicate that the adapter will be in fact compatible along with DC, it will depend on other factors. However I've been lucky with JM20330 chipset, I've already tested 3 different types of SATA bridges which uses that JM chipset, and two of them worked with DC G1-ATA, but one doesn't.
30.03.2016 23:00
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 Сказали спасибо: boxcutter
boxcutter Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: SATA adapter chipsets
good to know, i have a few of those.
what models are you refering to?

obviously they need to be able to be jumpered between master & slave device.
that's one issue i thought of.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 31.03.2016 в 23:40, отредактировал пользователь boxcutter.)
31.03.2016 00:34
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boxcutter Не на форуме

Сообщений: 22
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Сообщение: #4
RE: SATA adapter chipsets
a quick followup.

i now have the adapter from ebay in my first post.
i did not test it yet,
BUT it uses the Jmicron - JM20330 chipset and has a device jumper.

so i'm getting a couple more Smile
17.06.2016 01:25
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