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Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 28.01.2011
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Сообщение: #41
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
"Dingo how are my facts wrong, 8 commercial games and some emus work THATS IT"

You know, that sticky thread doesn't list ALL the Dreamcast games available. You should've figured that much out by now. 8 games work? I have a folder with about 15 games I snagged from the ftp so that's complete bullshit already (and there are more on the ftp I didn't get)

"Im telling it how it is, from pinned thread on this site, i want to get a sd card, but after reading that thread i see no point right now."

Then why post, continuously, in these sd adapter (specific) forum topics? You don't own one, and you're not even going to buy one!?

"Also Dingo i see nothing wrong with a spoon fed tutorial on all this with links and instructions in future. "

It just isn't that simple, unfortunately. Different games require different methods of ripping so you'd need multiple guides. Again, this much is clear and you should've figured this out by now.

Anyway, thanks for bringing some life to these forums djvectorman, even if it hasn't quite been for all the right reasons! Smile
03.03.2011 16:24
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RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China! - arthur2shedsjackson - 03.03.2011 16:24

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