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Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
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superdefault Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 06.01.2011
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Сообщение: #42
RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China!
(03.03.2011 16:24)arthur2shedsjackson писал(а):  Anyway, thanks for bringing some life to these forums djvectorman, even if it hasn't quite been for all the right reasons! Smile
somehow...i second that. Wink

i am pretty happy whith the things that actually work. i am using DreamShell in my 'dreamcast equipped arcade machine'. i modded dreamshell a little to jump right into an modified version of the filemanager. works pretty good as a frontend for the arcade machine. i am looking forward to the next update!

i would love to do something like the homebrew browser on the wii. but my LUA/SDL skills are ehm...pretty non existent.
03.03.2011 17:04
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RE: Just bought the new SD Adapter from China! - superdefault - 03.03.2011 17:04

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