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Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
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Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod?
Hi all,

I have recently flashed my DC bios to the Dreamshell "boot loader with bios", which loads up fine and loads up the full dreamshell from the SD card. I then go to launch a game (quake III in this case) and it just resets back to the loader.

I can load and run the game ok from the SD card when I boot up with the dreamshell CD but not from the bios...any clues as to why?

I know this was a problem in the past but I though this problem was fixed in RC1?

Thanks for any help

22.05.2012 23:43
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Сообщения в этой теме
Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 22.05.2012 23:43
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 23.05.2012, 15:42
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 24.05.2012, 00:07
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 24.05.2012, 11:33
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 25.05.2012, 02:15
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 25.05.2012, 11:25
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 25.05.2012, 17:22
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 27.05.2012, 19:31
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 28.05.2012, 11:22
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 28.05.2012, 17:45
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 29.05.2012, 11:11
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 29.05.2012, 17:27
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 29.05.2012, 20:55
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 29.05.2012, 23:55
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 30.05.2012, 20:09
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 31.05.2012, 13:20
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 31.05.2012, 22:36
RE: Is it possible to boot retail ISO's with BIOS mod? - segadreamcaster - 01.06.2012, 23:26

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