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using CF card.
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: using CF card.
(17.07.2014 12:46)aldair писал(а):  
(17.07.2014 08:06)SWAT писал(а):  
(16.07.2014 21:13)aldair писал(а):  
(01.07.2014 08:14)SWAT писал(а):  I have same adapter, but for me it's not works.
Works only simplest adapter, without any additional details.
just use this program to format the CF: http://www.4shared.com/get/QsobXudh/HP_F...ility.html

It's not a problem of formatting, my DC doesn't boot with this adapter in general.
It makes no difference than you formatted CF/HDD/SD, the main thing, that was had MBR (not GPT!) sector with partitions table on device.
The CF card when I bought worked, but after putting on the PC, Dreamcast no longer initializing only informed that he had a G1 ata.Fomatei device with several program and nothing to run the CF, only with this: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool that formatted the CF returned to normal and now works on Dreamcast.

This is not my case. My DC does not boot if I plug this adapter, just a black screen, does not even reach the BIOS logo!
But my CF card works fine with other (more simplest) CF->IDE adapter. So I think my adapter (as yours) just defective.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
17.07.2014 15:14
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Сообщения в этой теме
using CF card. - aldair - 01.07.2014, 01:22
RE: using CF card. - SWAT - 01.07.2014, 08:14
RE: using CF card. - aldair - 16.07.2014, 21:13
RE: using CF card. - SWAT - 17.07.2014, 08:06
RE: using CF card. - aldair - 17.07.2014, 12:46
RE: using CF card. - SWAT - 17.07.2014 15:14

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