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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Turbokat Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #629
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(26.05.2017 02:37)dragoncity писал(а):  When you say "My console is region free, I used all 3 versions of Vigilante 8 2nd Offense USA, PAL, JPN."

Region free it's not a region ^^ In fact you can change the region with "region changer",but you have just ONE region each time.
So My main console is PAL,I have an JAP too,but less compatibility with JAP.

So for my test I use a PAL console,what you use? Smile

If you don't know go to region changer Wink

Got it. So I checked the region changer and the Dreamcast is definitely PAL. Used the PAL version of Vigilante just now, OPT GDI and kept the raw files in there like so:

[Изображение: V8%20stuff.jpg]

(don't mind the GDI name, changed the words from "disc_optimize.gdi" to "Vigilante 8 2nd Offense UK.gdi" to match a cover image I installed)

Fired up Dreamshell, turned on CDDA and DMA, sadly the game froze when I selected Arcade Mode. Sad So I rebooted, turned off DMA and booted with CDDA enabled. Arcade mode worked but it froze when I pushed the START button.

What method did you use to optimize? I inserted "optimize.bat" and the "sys" folder in the Vigilante 8 DC directory, double clicked optimize bat and and let it convert. But the game still failed.

(26.05.2017 02:37)dragoncity писал(а):  For vigilant I use OPT,because GDI I had a freeze when I put START button.

Did you leave the RAW/WAV music tracks in the optimized GDI for this game or were they deleted?]You need raw for CDDA,so just optimize gdi.

Yes, they were left in.

(26.05.2017 02:37)dragoncity писал(а):  Do you hear music playing during gameplay?
Yes !

No crash during exit?
No !

Finally did you try shuffling the music in sound test and during gameplay?
No but I don't like really this game so I played just 15 minutes.

Good luck for test Smile

Regardless I really appreciate you trying to help even though it's a game you dislike. This is a game I grew up with and played to death. I liked Twisted Metal, Vigilante is like Twisted Metal on steroids so naturally I really want this game to work on my Dreamshell set-up.
26.05.2017 07:34
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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List - Turbokat - 26.05.2017 07:34

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