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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Turbokat Не на форуме

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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(01.06.2017 11:17)fafadou писал(а):  Thanks for the quote !

What is it hack_params.txt file ? where have you found it or build it ?

Did you use the IP.BIN given in the iso_make pack or it's the ip.bin you have extracted from the game ?

And if I can ask here, have you a good tool from to build the gdi file with cdda tracks you can suggest me please ?

hack_params.txt file should be in your sys folder. If you don't have it you have an incomplete sys folder. Check the archive again to see if it was not unzipped/unrared. I forgot where I downloaded my version of Iso Make from, let me know if you need it I can send. Also, make sure you're using Iso Make on Windows XP, it hates Windows 10.

The file of interest is "hack_lba.bat" your gonna want to edit that with notepad. Normally it says this:

Цитата:@Echo off
echo Hacking LBA...
move sys\binhack32.exe binhack32.exe
move sys\hack_params.txt hack_params.txt
move data\IP.BIN IP.BIN
binhack32.exe < hack_params.txt
move IP.BIN data\IP.BIN
move binhack32.exe sys\binhack32.exe
move hack_params.txt sys\hack_params.txt

You want it to say this:

Цитата:@Echo off
echo Hacking LBA...
move sys\binhack32.exe binhack32.exe
move sys\hack_params.txt hack_params.txt
move data\IP.BIN IP.BIN
binhack32.exe < hack_params.txt
move IP.BIN data\IP.BIN
move binhack32.exe sys\binhack32.exe
move hack_params.txt sys\hack_params.txt

Unpack the Rush CDI file from theisozone using JC GDROM Explorer from Livejournal.com. Extract to an empty folder via desktop since the explorer is allergic to external drives. Take the contents of that folder and throw them in the empty data folder of Iso Make. The IP.BIN shouldn't matter so long as it's there, the Rush IP.BIN should be fine.

Anyway once you've placed the unmounted Rush content in the data folder just hit hack_lba.bat and there will be a command prompt. Once it says everything is successful close that and hit create_iso. Then rename your ISO file then port to Dreamshell.

About adding CDDA tracks your guess is as good as mine. Before I experienced glitches and crashes with Vigilante, I was trying to replace some CDDA tracks on that game with custom music; I've had limited success, I converted raw files to wav then replaced those wave tracks with my own songs. The game still crashed on exit and won't allow me to change tracks in the PAUSE menu, so long as I don't hit pause I can play the game while listening to my custom audio tracks for one stage.

Does Rush have CDDA tracks I should know about? If so let me know.

(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 02.06.2017 в 01:58, отредактировал пользователь Turbokat.)
02.06.2017 01:46
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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List - Turbokat - 02.06.2017 01:46

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