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Sega Dreamcast mod: Custom bios with switch, Overclock, IDE HDD, and SD
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Rellikami Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 06.06.2018
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Sega Dreamcast mod: Custom bios with switch, Overclock, IDE HDD, and SD
I had started on this months ago and just recently had time to finish one up, i have 1 more VA1 console and a VA0 i plan on doing these mods to.
it is currently running Japanesecake's latest bios with DEV boot and running a copy of dreamshell from SD with the boot cd, all games i have used are running great from a 32GB CF card with external power( could not get my IDE2SATA adapters to work.)
I decided against doing a internal VGA or sound jack mod because space is a premium and finding what i would call a good place to put it without a psu mod is a pain, and the cables are cheap as chips as of recent.
I have this one done even put a new battery and reset-able fuse on the controller board. I only plan to open it up once more because i want to ad a reset button.

I did start on the va0 probably the one i will keep and not sell, i know 3v flash isn't supposed to play well with them, though I wired it up to get power from 3v and it seems to work fine flashes and boots with no issues.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 16.06.2018 в 20:04, отредактировал пользователь Rellikami.)
16.06.2018 20:02
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Sega Dreamcast mod: Custom bios with switch, Overclock, IDE HDD, and SD - Rellikami - 16.06.2018 20:02

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