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problem with ssd booting
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ArturRGT Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 03.11.2019
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RE: problem with ssd booting
(06.11.2019 06:18)megavolt85 писал(а):  Solder ceramic capacitor 400-500 pf to pin 1 and 2 of your adapter

Thanks! I will order it right now and let you know what happens.
It's pins 1 and 2 of the ide connector, right?

Also, I couldn't get the new 0.7.x loader to work. It always freezes at one point or another in this screen:

DreamShell ISO from IDE loader v0.7.0
Initializing IDE....
Mounting FAT filesystem....

It does not freeze on the same line everytime. Sometimes it freezes on "write LBA", sometimes on "mounting FAT filesystem", etc.

The official loader from 4.0 RC4 works perfectly though. Is this related to the first problem or is it something else?
Thank you!
06.11.2019 07:06
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Сообщения в этой теме
problem with ssd booting - ArturRGT - 06.11.2019, 05:42
RE: problem with ssd booting - ArturRGT - 06.11.2019 07:06
RE: problem with ssd booting - yoppie - 24.02.2020, 20:57
RE: problem with ssd booting - yoppie - 25.02.2020, 20:43

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