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Memory Layout
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kof888 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 190
Зарегистрирован: 29.06.2009
Рейтинг: 5
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Сообщение: #2
RE: Memory Layout
Let me answer something I know, please point it out if you’re wrong

1 Regarding the stack, for 99% of the KATANA game, after loading the game main program, r15 will be assigned first. This r15 is the stack register, which is usually assigned to 8c00f000 or 8c00f400, and then the memory in the middle of 8c00c000-8c00f400 will be written into sega characters. initialization

2 In the case of 16M memory bios (32Mbios excluded), 8d000000==8c000000,
jmp 8d100000 == jmp 8c100000

So 8d000000 is also possible as the stack register address of r15, because the stack is all subtracted
and so
in case
r15 = 8d000000
mov.l r14, @-r15

r15 = 8d000000-4 = 8c000000-4 = 8cfffffc

Finally, 8c004000-8c008000 is not used in general games.
(By the way, 8c008000-8c010000 is the loading location of the ip.bin file) So the location of 8c004000 is generally safe, but only 16kb in size
28.11.2020 14:42
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Сообщения в этой теме
Memory Layout - sundance2 - 27.11.2020, 23:55
RE: Memory Layout - kof888 - 28.11.2020 14:42
RE: Memory Layout - sundance2 - 29.11.2020, 06:16
RE: Memory Layout - SWAT - 29.11.2020, 10:32
RE: Memory Layout - MilkeyWilkey - 29.11.2020, 11:07
RE: Memory Layout - SWAT - 29.11.2020, 13:15


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