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DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
[Изображение: 2134-1.jpg]

The most widely used media player for Dreamcast now has support for SD memory cards that are connected via SD adapter. This version is possible becuase the coder named Titemoo has created a plugin that allows you to load media directly from the SD card!


* Supports Video (FLV, MPG, XVID, DIVX)
* Supports Audio (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, MOD, S3M, NSF, SID Music, SC68, Audio CD)
* Supports List of Audio / Track
* Support for Images (JPEG, BMP, GIF)
* Supports Different Skins
* Support for Keyboard & VMU
* Added support for SD card

06.03.2011 23:00
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SWAT Не на форуме

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RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
It's works? As far as I know this plugin did long ago, but it did not work properly.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
07.03.2011 08:44
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slavikmalo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
if works, then I suppose video slows down?
07.03.2011 14:29
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slavikmalo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
What do you think swat at the expense of the brakes?
07.03.2011 16:21
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #5
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
Цитата:It's works? As far as I know this plugin did long ago, but it did not work properly.
Он работает. Я тестировал и собрал эти образы. По ссылке iso-шник для Дримшелл. Основан на модифицированной библиотеке знаешь какой.
Всё работает как надо и даже грузится по умолчанию, автор обещал попытаться исправить вероятные баги.
07.03.2011 17:30
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alex Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
у меня директория SD есть но вот заходить в нее нехочетSad

Здесь была подпись.
07.03.2011 17:42
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ands Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
Video from DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card
Resolution 512h288 sound quality 128kbit/sek. data transfer rate 1024kbit/sek.
5 minutes of real time showed 2:08 of time on the film, behind more than 2.5 times

and the film plucked from the disc with the film under Dreamcast comes with:
resolution of 320x240, sound quality 40kbit/sek. data transfer rate 473kbit/sek.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07.03.2011 в 17:57, отредактировал пользователь ands.)
07.03.2011 17:55
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #8
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
ands, напиши на русском, а то все пишут на английском не зная самого языка - белиберда получается).

Цитата:у меня директория SD есть но вот заходить в нее нехочет
Попробуй ещё раз, скорее всего это один из багов, у меня открывается и воспроизводит музыку.
07.03.2011 18:10
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slavikmalo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #9
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
а какие форматы он читает?
07.03.2011 18:32
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #10
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
Цитата:а какие форматы он читает?
В первом сообщении написано.
07.03.2011 18:37
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ands Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #11
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
значит так:
- видео из проги DCplaya 2.0 запущенной с SD Card и файлы запущенные тоже с SD карты:
Разрешение 512х288, качество звука 128kбит/сек. скорость передачи данных 1024kбит/сек.
после реальных 5 минут на экране проги показывает 2:08, задержка почти в 2.5 раза, картинку ещё можно с тормозами смотреть, а звук вообще не понятно, заикивается страшно.

и фильм взятый из диска с фильмом под Dreamcast на экране которого при загрузке написано DC DivX Player:
Разрешение 320x240, качество звука 40kбит/сек. скорость передачи данных 473kбит/сек.
практически идеально идёт, иногда бывают задержки и то когда быстро меняющие сцены и то задержка на доли секунды

- mp3 идеально воспроизводится с SD карты.

- изображения (jpg не более 1000 точек с разрешением, у меня 900х400 показывает, 1024х768 не показывает)
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07.03.2011 в 19:58, отредактировал пользователь ands.)
07.03.2011 19:39
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #12
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
ands первое видео которое ты описал и с диска в этой проге будет воспроизводится с тормозами.
Вообще с видео на дриме конечно печалька Sad

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07.03.2011 в 21:47, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
07.03.2011 21:44
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #13
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
Few things I noticed while messing around with this version yesterday: (not necessarily 'problems' , just things I noticed)

1. For whatever reason, the new sdcard plug-in breaks the auto load (and connect) of the network connection from the vmu. I tried using the complete new distribution, and i also tried by putting the new sdcard.lez file and modifying the .lua files manually in an older version. Both times I get the same result... an error is thrown during startup (that quickly moves off screen where I can't see what it was) and no networking is set up. I managed to just hard code the Internet settings and the connection command into my userconf.lua and it works that way. but yeah, I think there is something that has gotten messed up with the vmu settings auto-loading and auto-saving, the only thing that is changed in the config is the additional loading of the sdcard driver.

2. Can't download from http to the sdcard. I was hopping this could be accomplished. Dreamcast could be used as a stream ripper. Or one could host a bunch of iso files on a local webserver and use dcplaya to download new isos to you SD card for dreamshell to run without having to remove the sdcard to place it in a pc. I haven't tried if one can do a download from a pc connected with dc-load-ip, but you probably could. It would be cool though if one didn't have to do the extra step of making the dc-load-ip connection to get info from the PC to your dreamcast sdcard. I think this function needs a special command written for it though. (You can get files from http if you open them in ZED and then save them locally, though I'm sure there is a size limit doing it this way.)

3. Video that I had compressed long ago for DCDVIX seemed to play flawlessly from the SD card, no slow down or sync problems (well no more than usual for dcplaya) but they seemed to be at their limit. Couldn't hurt to try increasing the size of the image buffer if a few video's are experiencing hic-ups.
08.03.2011 19:03
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #14
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
Dingo, you should tell your report to plugin's author there -
08.03.2011 19:28
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DJ VECT0RMAN Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #15
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
Looks awesome...thx for sharing, so i can simply slap a flv in sd card ada and this program will let me stream it at a normal video audio speed? Sort of like the speed of dc vcd or better?
09.03.2011 10:44
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #16
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
(08.03.2011 19:03)Dingo писал(а):  Can't download from http to the sdcard. I was hopping this could be accomplished. Dreamcast could be used as a stream ripper. Or one could host a bunch of iso files on a local webserver and use dcplaya to download new isos to you SD card for dreamshell to run without having to remove the sdcard to place it in a pc. I haven't tried if one can do a download from a pc connected with dc-load-ip, but you probably could. It would be cool though if one didn't have to do the extra step of making the dc-load-ip connection to get info from the PC to your dreamcast sdcard. I think this function needs a special command written for it though. (You can get files from http if you open them in ZED and then save them locally, though I'm sure there is a size limit doing it this way.)

You know, I was wondering if something like this was possible! I was already thinking of people doing things like that with the SD card, we would just need a program written that could download games DIRECTLY to your Dreamcast!

This would be awesome for me, cause I have a 2006 PC, and my SD card ports are not SDHC compatible, as my PC cant even see the card. I have to use another persons PC just to install the games to the SD card.

@DJ, that is pretty much it. This program makes your Dreamcast do even more awesome stuff than most people would have guessed.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.03.2011 в 12:04, отредактировал пользователь Anthony817.)
09.03.2011 12:00
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #17
RE: DCplaya 2.0 with SD Card Support!!!
(09.03.2011 12:00)Anthony817 писал(а):  This would be awesome for me, cause I have a 2006 PC, and my SD card ports are not SDHC compatible, as my PC cant even see the card. I have to use another persons PC just to install the games to the SD card.

Hahaha! Funny stuff. I was using a digital camera to upload stuff to my sdcard when I first made my adapter!

This would also make installing a permanent internal sd card more flexible, as removing the card to add programs would no longer be necessary. One would then not need to cut a hole in the case for a slot to access the card. Just find some internal space to tuck it away...

It shouldn't be too hard to implement. Data already comes in over the http interface, and data can be stored to the sd card.

OH! Also, I found that the 'mkdir' command would not work on the sdcard with the current plugin either.
(09.03.2011 10:44)DJ VECT0RMAN писал(а):  Looks awesome...thx for sharing, so i can simply slap a flv in sd card ada and this program will let me stream it at a normal video audio speed? Sort of like the speed of dc vcd or better?
I've found that for flv the resolution should be around what you-tube considers 240p. 360p played, but with some glitches for me. This was streaming off the Internet over slow DSL though, so perhaps it would function better coming straight from the sdcard, or a local source.

Either way, "240p" flvs have no problem playing in DCplaya, and are easily rippable from youtube with the right software.

I've streamed them at that resolution from a local webserver to DCplaya over the BBA with no playback issues. SD card transfer rate will be slower than BBA, but the speed should suffice.

The only thing I've tried playing from the SDcard using this plugin was a few avi's at 320x240 I made back in the day for dcdivx. They played fine... minus the usually excessive loading time of dcdivx too!
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 11.03.2011 в 05:37, отредактировал пользователь Dingo.)
11.03.2011 05:27
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