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[WIP] IsoBrowser DC
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Баг [WIP] IsoBrowser DC
hi there.
first of all: THANKS A TON for DreamShell!
i am using DreamShell to power my (half baked) Dreamcast Arcade Machine. and i wanted a simple 'front end' to launch my isos and emulators easily.
So i tried my best to develop and app for DreamShell to browse folders on my SD card, show the icon.png from each folder and launch a boot.iso from that folder.

It works so far and i am quite happy with it!
it still crashes a lot though!
after about 8 pages the app freezes. it is pretty possible that i just fill up the RAM with all the icons. is it? these are my frst steps with lua and sdl and i got no idea what i am doing (wrong) here Blush. i delete the container containing all buttons on every page refresh, recreate it and add the new buttons/icons. maybe there is a better way to accomplish that?
i attached the app. can you guys take a look at it and point me to the right direction here? i'd really appreciate your help!

.zip  isobrowser_alpha.zip (Размер: 219.76 Кб / Загрузок: 67)
04.09.2011 15:39
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 Сказали спасибо: vosagui
SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: [WIP] IsoBrowser DC
Good job! I will help application developers for DreamShell, but only after release a new version Smile There are many changes, so I'm just get confused if I will help with the old version Smile
I certainly understand that already tightened with the new release, but I decided not to bring work to the end and public W.I.P. version.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
04.09.2011 17:06
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aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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Сообщение: #3
RE: [WIP] IsoBrowser DC
Awesome work man , i think this should be built-in in DreamShell.
07.09.2011 01:54
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superdefault Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: [WIP] IsoBrowser DC
thanks for your feedback guys!
@swat i can see your point about the new release of dreamshell and dropping the support for the old one! bad timing for me though Wink

but i'll try my best to figure out whats wrong with my lua script myself then.
right now i am working on a little caching system for the images so i don't load up icons i've already loaded and hopefully make the page turns a lot faster by that. AND in the best case that's what my app keeps from freezing.
later tonight. after work.

07.09.2011 13:33
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Maturion Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: [WIP] IsoBrowser DC
Very well done dude! This should be posted on other dreamcast sites, too. Smile
01.10.2011 16:09
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Agoria Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: [WIP] IsoBrowser DC
Hi all, how does it work ? I copied it on my SD card but I still have the old browser. Thanks.
13.10.2011 16:55
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