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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Сообщение: #121
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Thanks for info!
Mortal Kombat Gold - enable CDDA emulation on settings page in ISO Loader app and you can enjoy music.

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20.04.2015 08:48
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Сообщение: #122
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Toy Story 2 (us)-run from 0x8cff0000 (works with DMA)
07.05.2015 09:47
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Сообщение: #123
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I have question about mdk2 and "mortal combat" optimized GDI CDDA music on IDE. Both games work with dma and cdda with my ide mod, but:

** mdk2 - after about 30s of gameplay, music begins to play *only from one speaker*. Tried converted wav and raw, result is the same, with dma or without dma - result is the same, tried usa(could not start game) and pal versions(ok). i think in menu music plays fine, not sure.
** Mortal Kombat Gold - works with dma and cdda. in menu music plays fine. In gameplay after ~10s music stops completely. (the same with usa and pal, wav and raw audio)

I have pal dreamcast.
What i want to know - is my ide mod is flawed(i used tiny ~10cm wires from transformator like in Chinese sd adapters (i remeber SWAT said that you need to change those wires, but i used those same wires for my sd mod and it's working perfectly).
In other games(those that i remember) CDDA works ok:
Pen pen Triicelon
Suzuki ALSTARE Extreme Racing
gigawing 1,2
07.05.2015 23:23
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Сообщение: #124
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
CDDA support still not perfect, it have some problems. It's not a problem of ISO Loader in general (playback code works good), this is the games can damage CDDA playback, because uses same hardware at the same time.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
08.05.2015 09:33
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Сообщение: #125
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(08.05.2015 09:33)SWAT писал(а):  CDDA support still not perfect, it have some problems. It's not a problem of ISO Loader in general (playback code works good), this is the games can damage CDDA playback, because uses same hardware at the same time.

>>CDDA support still not perfect
I understand that. Just that really wanted to play mdk2 in it's full glory(need gdi for that, music is awesome), and wanted to know if problem is at my end(so i can fix it somehow).

Between different DC versions/regions compatibility is different. But in this concrete example with mdk2 cdda music, if game launches and cdda plays in gameplay, will music goes bad on all regions/versions consoles or there can be some differences?
08.05.2015 17:05
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Сообщение: #126
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I think no difference.
08.05.2015 20:39
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Сообщение: #127
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
СВАТ, не знаю, поддерживаешь ли ты тему, но я потестил пару игр, которых нет в списке на первой странице. Может быть добавишь в первое сообщение темы:

Grand Theft Auto 2 - no problem
Incoming - no problem
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes - no problem
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes - no problem
Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights - no problem

NBA 2K2 - not work
NHL 2K2 - not work
The Ring: Terror's Realm - not work (звук есть, изображения нет)
Railroad Tycoon II - not work
Tomb Raider: Chronicles - not work
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - not work
15.05.2015 17:44
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Сообщение: #128
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Цитата:Railroad Tycoon II - not work
Tomb Raider: Chronicles - not work
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - not work
это wince игры, в список совместимости RC3 их нет смысла писать, так как в RC3 не работают все wince игры, тем более в RC4 они будут работать с HDD по крайней мере точно с SD пока не известно
Цитата:The Ring: Terror's Realm - not work (звук есть, изображения нет)
Дрим не через VGA случаем подключен? может просто игра VGA не поддерживает.

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 15.05.2015 в 18:46, отредактировал пользователь megavolt85.)
15.05.2015 18:16
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Сообщение: #129
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
megavolt85 писал(а):это wince игры, в список совместимости RC3 их нет смысла писать, так как в RC3 не работают все wince игры, тем более в RC4 они будут работать с HDD по крайней мере точно с SD пока не известно
Если честно, понятия не имею, как определять wince игры на глазок Smile А то, что они будут работать, радует несказанно.

megavolt85 писал(а):Дрим не через VGA случаем подключен? может просто игра VGA не поддерживает.
Ага, через VGA.

В таком случае можно просто обратить внимание на те игры, которые работают. С ними не было вообще никаких плясок с бубном.
15.05.2015 19:51
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Сообщение: #130
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
На форуме мелькал где то список WINCE игр, GDI дампы можно на компе различить, у WINCE бинарик называется 0WINCEOS.BIN, а у KATANA игр 1ST_READ.BIN, но это применимо только к лицензии (то есть к GDI дампам). GDI отлично открывается Gdrom Explorer -ом
Цитата:Ага, через VGA.
Попробуй скачать американскую версию этой игры, скорей всего в ней будет поддержка VGA. Кстати тем же Gdrom Explorer -ом можно узнать поддерживает ли игра VGA. Если в IP.BIN указанно что поддерживает, то работать с VGA будет точно, если не указанно, то надо проверять, может заработать, а может и нет, опять же повторюсь, это применимо только к лицензии, пираты при пере сборке в CDI многое игнорировали, а в случае с wince вообще резали бинарик и чаще всего переименовывали его в 1ST_READ.BIN

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
15.05.2015 20:40
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Сообщение: #131
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
А мы делали патч для поддержки The Ring: Terror's Realm VGA.
Правда я его с 19 октября нигде так и не выложил. Вот ща выкладываю)

Dreamcast torrent tracker - www.dc4you.ru
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 16.05.2015 в 00:05, отредактировал пользователь Lin.)
15.05.2015 23:38
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 Сказали спасибо: megavolt85
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Сообщение: #132
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Hello, thank you for your amazing job. I recently did the IDE mod to my dreamcast and installed dreamshell, wich seems to work correctly. I was able to play several games but i'm having some problems, no one seems to work with DMA activated. If i activate this option i can see a black screen, then the dc boot animation, and then nothing...

Appart of that, i tested some games, but i found several glitches and errors wich not seems to be reported in this thread:

- Sonic adventure (EU) CDI: Seems to work, but have several graphic errors. There is some kind of opaque "blue layer" that covers the screen sometimes. For example , the first battle with chaos level 0 appears randomly, but the next level is unplayable.

- Soul Calibur (EU/NTSC)(CDI/GDI): Tried several versions of this game and formats, none of them worked. I can see the first "boot animation" with the soul calubur logo, then the 50Hz/60Hz selection, then black screen. If I use the NTSC version of the game it is the same without the video mode selection.

- Marvel vs Capcom 2 (EU/NTSC)(CDI/GDI): I tried this game, and had the graphic errors mentioned in the first post (invisible characters). Anyway after playing with the options, if i set the "async read" option to "none" I can see the characters sprites in the center of the screen. Anyway it keeps unplayable.

I tried other games wich seems to work, Dino crissis and Code Veronica works perfectly. I had other problems using your Iso Make tools, i wasnt able to create a working iso image from a cdi. If i try "any2iso.bat" it seems to create a new iso image, but iso loader says that is corrupted. also, i was unable to mount or open that newly created iso. I'm using Windows7 64 bit, not sure if it is important.

Also, i'm having an strange problem with some programs in dreamshell. I'm sorry if this isn't the correct thread to ask for this, but i'm not sure if this is an incompatibility with my IDE installation or another problem. I used a 29l3211 eeprom to replace the original bios rom, wich seems to be compatible with your flasher (http://www.dc-swat.ru/page/dreamshell/firmware/), but it doesn't seems to be recognized by it (it is marked as a 2MB XXXX eeprom). If i try to read the eprom and create a bios image it blocks after some seconds and creates a zero byte file. Also, after editing the presets of some games in the iso loader options, sometimes it gets corrupted and throws a core dump with some strange SDL errors. If I copy again the Iso loader files it seems to work OK if i don't save the changes in the preset options.
29.06.2015 18:50
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #133
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Thanks for report!
any2iso.bat works mainly bad, so it's best to manually rebuild the image (to extract data from the CDI and create ISO).
Support for 29l3211 is not tested.
For now DMA works in not all games.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
30.06.2015 08:58
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Сообщение: #134
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
dreamshell needs integration some compatibility fix patches for specific games
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 01.07.2015 в 05:39, отредактировал пользователь zero35.)
30.06.2015 12:09
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Сообщение: #135
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Hi, I've also tested a few of my games Smile

AeroWings (eur) work
Crazy Taxi (eur) works from 0x8cfe8000
Densha de GO! 2 3000 (jap) not work (reboot) Sad
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (jap) not work (black screen)
Incoming (eu) works with CDDA
Millennium Soldier: Expendable (eu) works with CDDA
Tokyo Highway Challenge 1 (eu) works with CDDA
Tokyo Bus Guide (jap) no problem
SEGA GT (us) works with CDDA
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 01.07.2015 в 02:52, отредактировал пользователь oliXon.)
01.07.2015 02:51
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Сообщение: #136
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
Densha de GO! 2 3000 maybe is wince game....
01.07.2015 04:26
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Сообщение: #137
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List

Unfortunately no, restarts with activated Win CE. :/
01.07.2015 19:35
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Сообщение: #138
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(01.07.2015 19:35)oliXon писал(а):  @kof888

Unfortunately no, restarts with activated Win CE. :/

In current version of ISO Loader the WinCE games doesn't supported in general.
It's a dummy flag in app settings.
Only new, unreleased version of ISO Loader can launch WinCE.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
01.07.2015 19:55
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Сообщение: #139
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
hello! thanks for the grate job man,i just mod my dreamcast for few weeks ago,now here's some report

SGGG(jp) - works
space channel 5 part 2 (jp) - not work
despiria (jp) - works(without vga support)
The House of the Dead 2 (jp) no problem
Mortal Kombat Gold (jp) - works with CDDA
(since most of my game is already on the list in 1.st post so i just list these)
and i dont know should i report this here but ill list them anyway
most of the Homebrew can only works with boot disk, i tried every possable on the bios mod and still get either the black screen or the dreamshell's boot screen
and so on...
thanks for ur hard work man, im very happy that my dreamcast still alive now hope u can inprove the compatibility much more better soon will be very happy to see Shenmue works on my HDD due to my freamcast cant read my original disk Tongue
02.07.2015 11:44
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Сообщение: #140
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
If you try launch homebrew without descrambling main binary, change "Binary OS" to "KallistiOS" in app settings.

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02.07.2015 15:20
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