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Question regarding BIOS mod on VA0, with chip MX29LV160T
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RogerWilco Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2015
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Сообщение: #1
Question regarding BIOS mod on VA0, with chip MX29LV160T
Hello, i read on a blog that the bios mod on a VA0 dreamcast with chip MX29LV160T (3volt) is possible, is that true? Im my region i have one of those chips and i can´t find one that is 5v, that is why im trying to use the MX29LV160T on VA0

i also saw this diagram, and i wanted to know if it is correct?
it connects the chip MX29LV160T into a 3.3volt source in the VA0 motherboard, along with some extra modifications

[Изображение: bios_mod_old_dc.png]

with that it will be possible for dreamshell to be flashed?
13.12.2015 19:06
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Question regarding BIOS mod on VA0, with chip MX29LV160T
It's possible, but not guaranteed.
Try find Am29F160DT.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
14.12.2015 09:10
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