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G1-ATA Problem (Help needed)
I have a strange Problem with my G1-ATA Mod and I can't figure aout how to solve.
I modded the GD-ROM Board with a PATA-SATA Adapter.
Now I tried to attach a HDD (WD Blue 250GB). The DC found a device LBA... and freezes. Ok I formatted the drive with another tool (under WIN10) to FAT 32 but still the same. Now I formatted the HDD with an old WIN XP Laptop and the DC says Error 5 (could not mount fs...). At least I formatted the disk with EaseUS Partition Manger and now the DC could mount the HDD and boot DS from SD Card. But if I try to write something to the HDD (E.g. Speedtest / GD RIP...) The DC/DS freezese and I have to reset. After RESET the DC don't boot from SD anymore and I have to detach the HDD and reformat it.
Also its not possible to load DS from HDD cause the DC freezes at the moment it tries to read from HDD.
No read and no write operations possible.... (still the same with an 3.5" 700GB Samsung HDD).
Somebody had similar problems and know how to solve?
PS: I do not know if it works without PATA-SATA Adapter cause I did not have any old PATA Device. If pictures from the wiring needed I can make them after weekend, because I am on a business trip these days.
09.02.2017 11:59 |

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RE: G1-ATA Problem (Help needed)
Problem solved.
For all who having similar Problems, try to use another PATA-SATA Adapter.
Mine (Manhattan Konverterkarte SATA 300 auf IDE) did not work. Changing against a very cheap DIGITUS was the solution for me.
11.02.2017 15:32 |