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Scumm SaveGames Dreamcast
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aldair Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 03.02.2012
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Scumm SaveGames Dreamcast
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/938isevdtf...R.tar/file

Lucasarts Selfboot CD for DC and Windows!
Made by godeater using the great ScummVM

Burn the cdi-file with DiscjJggler or Alcohol 120%

It contains the following games:

Mamiac Mansion
Day of the Tentacle
Monkey Island 1
Monkey Island 2
Indiana Jones 3
Indiana Jones 4
Sam & Max

All games are playable on the Dramcast and savegames can
be saved to the VMU. Sound doesn't work in some games.
A keyboard is needed to enter names for the savegames.
The games can be played with a controller, but I suggest
you use the dreamcast mouse.


This CD contains also the windows-version of ScummVM.
Just put it in your windows computer and the menu should
come up automatically. If it doesn't just run
SCUMMWIN.BAT from the CD. Savegames will be saved under

Some useful keys for the Windows-version:

ALT-ENTER toggle fullscreen
F5 load-save menu
ESC skip cutscene
15.01.2020 09:06
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
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