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Plano de fundo do personagem usado em DreamSNES.
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aldair Не на форуме

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Plano de fundo do personagem usado em DreamSNES.
Waaaaaay back when, there was a SNES emulator for the Dreamcast called DreamSNES. During the various updates, it used different artwork for the menu background. The one it used for the longest was of a tattooed anime girl, dressed in robes with a staff.
An internet search of DreamSNES attributes to the artwork to a Kathy Choi and links to her (Long dead) Elfwood page. A Google search of Kathy Choi brings up a lot of either unrelated Kathy's, or the right Kathy who's long since buried that era of her art. There's a few low res photos of the background floating around Google image search like this one. I'm wanting to find either a higher res version, or if the character is an actual character or just a fan creation.
TL;DR - http://laboratory.dcfan.net.ru/img/emuls...snes_1.jpg
A higher res version of that, or the characters name.

[Изображение: valissa.jpg]

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/c...eamsnes_a/
16.10.2021 03:18
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