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In the Line of Fire (Cancelled) (Plain files)
Автор Сообщение
Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

Сообщений: 158
Зарегистрирован: 24.05.2020
Рейтинг: 0
Сказал спасибо: 16
Поблагодарили 25 раз(а) в 18 сообщ.
Сообщение: #1
In the Line of Fire (Cancelled) (Plain files)
This was a game that was canceled years ago, so i guess I can request it here. Anyone has it or know how to compile the plain files ?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 17.03.2024 в 14:02, отредактировал пользователь Ro Magnus Larsson.)
21.04.2022 00:02
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 3190
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Рейтинг: 38
Сказал спасибо: 186
Поблагодарили 1575 раз(а) в 928 сообщ.
Сообщение: #2
RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
CDDA won't work because it's KOS
use isomake to build the iso image

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
21.04.2022 22:49
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

Сообщений: 158
Зарегистрирован: 24.05.2020
Рейтинг: 0
Сказал спасибо: 16
Поблагодарили 25 раз(а) в 18 сообщ.
Сообщение: #3
RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
(21.04.2022 22:49)megavolt85 писал(а):  CDDA won't work because it's KOS
use isomake to build the iso image

Can not do it only with ISO make...

You only have this: https://mega.nz/file/2DYmDT7a#OlLJnhVZis...DR5Pdbu9Ew
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 03.05.2022 в 20:23, отредактировал пользователь Ro Magnus Larsson.)
03.05.2022 20:15
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 3190
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Рейтинг: 38
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Поблагодарили 1575 раз(а) в 928 сообщ.
Сообщение: #4
RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
(03.05.2022 20:15)Ro Magnus Larsson писал(а):  Can not do it only with ISO make...

the data folder has all the necessary files, you only need to descramble 1st_read.bin, find and replace all E4745FA0 with EC745FA0 and add IP.BIN, after that you can build the ISO image

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
05.05.2022 14:22
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

Сообщений: 158
Зарегистрирован: 24.05.2020
Рейтинг: 0
Сказал спасибо: 16
Поблагодарили 25 раз(а) в 18 сообщ.
Сообщение: #5
RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
(05.05.2022 14:22)megavolt85 писал(а):  
(03.05.2022 20:15)Ro Magnus Larsson писал(а):  Can not do it only with ISO make...

the data folder has all the necessary files, you only need to descramble 1st_read.bin, find and replace all E4745FA0 with EC745FA0 and add IP.BIN, after that you can build the ISO image

Ok done it now again, but the issue is the after titles screen does not start

check it: https://mega.nz/file/86hnSbBC#ybUDWgiojC...Ec_7GSlDzE
11.05.2022 07:06
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

Сообщений: 3190
Зарегистрирован: 24.03.2012
Рейтинг: 38
Сказал спасибо: 186
Поблагодарили 1575 раз(а) в 928 сообщ.
Сообщение: #6
RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
KallistiOS Git revision v2.0.0-297-g89dd385:
  Mon Dec 10 19:38:32 MST 2018
19:18:15 8C07BE4E WARN  ARM Halted: BRANCH to invalid address FFFFFFE8 at 00000004
maple: active drivers:
    Dreameye (Camera): Camera
    Sound Input Peripheral: Microphone
    PuruPuru (Vibration) Pack: JumpPack
    VMU Driver: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard
    Mouse Driver: Mouse
    Keyboard Driver: Keyboard
    Controller Driver: Controller
    Lightgun: LightGun
  DMA Buffer at ac16c8e0
vid_set_mode: 640x480IL NTSC
maple: attached devices:
  A0: Dreamcast Controller          (01000000: Controller)
  A1: Visual Memory                 (0e000000: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard)
pvr: enabling vertical scaling for non-VGA

DCE: PVR Initialized.  VRAM Available: 1288960
19:18:15 8C07BE4E WARN  ARM Halted: BRANCH to invalid address FFFFFFE8 at 00000004
snd_init(): loading 3332 bytes into SPU RAM
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/m4a1fire.wav
fs_iso9660: disc change detected
  (joliet level 3 extensions detected)
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 37590 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/FP9mm1.wav
snd_sfx: file is not RIFF WAVE
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/noammo.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 15986 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/reload.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44162 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/misc/hit.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 13744 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/misc/headshot.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44484 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/camera/camera_03.wav
WAVE file is stereo, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 6228 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/FPmeleehandgun1.wav
WAVE file is stereo, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 123532 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/HKUSP/HKUSP_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 49194 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/HKUSP/HKUSP_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 48072 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 48210 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 43812 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 67548 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/DEAGLE/DesertEagle_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 86312 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/DEAGLE/DesertEagle_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 83178 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 35124 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30208 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30576 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk4.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30852 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk5.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30644 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28590 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 29794 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28372 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk4.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28324 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk5.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 29474 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk6.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 26580 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactflesh1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactflesh2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactwood.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactmetal.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/melee/NMEmeleehandgun.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 39294 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/bombtick/bombtick.wav
WAVE file is mono, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 84442 bytes total, format 1
DCE: PVR TEXTURE Resolution: 512x512
DCE Bind Texture: 1 || Used: 67584
DCE: JPEG IMAGE Resolution: 64x64
DCE: Adjusted PVR TEXTURE Resolution: 64x64
DCE Bind Texture: 2 || Used: 75776
Unhandled exception: PC 8c064f86, code 1, evt 0100
R0-R7: 00000000 528a518c 630c73ae 7bcf6b6d 8c199928 8c194410 00000054 528a3184
R8-R15: 8c12436c 8c07b560 8c199930 8c0658a0 8c0bd064 00000040 00000040 8cfffcf8
SR 40000101 PR 8c0658cc
Stack Trace: frame pointers not enabled!
kernel panic: unhandled IRQ/Exception
arch: aborting the system

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
11.05.2022 20:21
Найти все сообщения Цитировать это сообщение
Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

Сообщений: 158
Зарегистрирован: 24.05.2020
Рейтинг: 0
Сказал спасибо: 16
Поблагодарили 25 раз(а) в 18 сообщ.
Сообщение: #7
RE: In the Line of Fire (Cancelled)
(11.05.2022 20:21)megavolt85 писал(а):  
KallistiOS Git revision v2.0.0-297-g89dd385:
  Mon Dec 10 19:38:32 MST 2018
19:18:15 8C07BE4E WARN  ARM Halted: BRANCH to invalid address FFFFFFE8 at 00000004
maple: active drivers:
    Dreameye (Camera): Camera
    Sound Input Peripheral: Microphone
    PuruPuru (Vibration) Pack: JumpPack
    VMU Driver: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard
    Mouse Driver: Mouse
    Keyboard Driver: Keyboard
    Controller Driver: Controller
    Lightgun: LightGun
  DMA Buffer at ac16c8e0
vid_set_mode: 640x480IL NTSC
maple: attached devices:
  A0: Dreamcast Controller          (01000000: Controller)
  A1: Visual Memory                 (0e000000: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard)
pvr: enabling vertical scaling for non-VGA

DCE: PVR Initialized.  VRAM Available: 1288960
19:18:15 8C07BE4E WARN  ARM Halted: BRANCH to invalid address FFFFFFE8 at 00000004
snd_init(): loading 3332 bytes into SPU RAM
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/m4a1fire.wav
fs_iso9660: disc change detected
  (joliet level 3 extensions detected)
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 37590 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/FP9mm1.wav
snd_sfx: file is not RIFF WAVE
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/noammo.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 15986 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/reload.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44162 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/misc/hit.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 13744 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/misc/headshot.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44484 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/camera/camera_03.wav
WAVE file is stereo, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 6228 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/FPmeleehandgun1.wav
WAVE file is stereo, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 123532 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/HKUSP/HKUSP_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 49194 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/HKUSP/HKUSP_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 48072 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 48210 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 43812 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/GLOCK17/glock17_3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 67548 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/DEAGLE/DesertEagle_1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 86312 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/weapons/DEAGLE/DesertEagle_2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 83178 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 35124 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30208 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30576 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk4.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30852 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltsneakerwalk5.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 30644 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28590 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 29794 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28372 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk4.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 28324 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk5.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 29474 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/walking/asphaltbootwalk6.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 26580 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactflesh1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactflesh2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactwood.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/impact/FPHGmeleeimpactmetal.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 44080 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse1.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse2.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/death/NMEcollapse3.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 61538 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/enemy/melee/NMEmeleehandgun.wav
WAVE file is mono, 22050HZ, 16 bits/sample, 39294 bytes total, format 1
snd_sfx: loading effect /cd/sound/bombtick/bombtick.wav
WAVE file is mono, 44100HZ, 16 bits/sample, 84442 bytes total, format 1
DCE: PVR TEXTURE Resolution: 512x512
DCE Bind Texture: 1 || Used: 67584
DCE: JPEG IMAGE Resolution: 64x64
DCE: Adjusted PVR TEXTURE Resolution: 64x64
DCE Bind Texture: 2 || Used: 75776
Unhandled exception: PC 8c064f86, code 1, evt 0100
R0-R7: 00000000 528a518c 630c73ae 7bcf6b6d 8c199928 8c194410 00000054 528a3184
R8-R15: 8c12436c 8c07b560 8c199930 8c0658a0 8c0bd064 00000040 00000040 8cfffcf8
SR 40000101 PR 8c0658cc
Stack Trace: frame pointers not enabled!
kernel panic: unhandled IRQ/Exception
arch: aborting the system

MMM...so it seems still a lot of work to do!
13.05.2022 18:35
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