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No apps on desktop - Dreamshell Release 4.0
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kikeminchas Не на форуме

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No apps on desktop - Dreamshell Release 4.0

First of all thanks a lot dc-swat for your dedication. I have downloaded a set of modified SD isos from archive.org. After copying them to the SD card, all my apps disappear from the Dreamshell desktop. I have done some search and it seems this might have to do with the format of the xml and lua files for each app? To give an example, this is the XML from one of the game apps:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app name="Aqua_GT" version="1.0" icon="cover.png">
        <module src="../../modules/minilzo.klf" />
        <module src="../../modules/isofs.klf" />
        <module src="../../modules/isoldr.klf" />
        <script type="text/lua" src="./lua/main.lua" />
    <body x="0" y="0" width="640" height="480" background="back">
        <input type="button"
                onclick="os.execute(string.format('exec -b -f sd/Aqua_GT/Aqua_GT.gdi', os.getenv('PATH')));"
                normal="play" highlight="play" pressed="play" disabled="play"
                x="440" y="280" width="200" height="100" name="playbut" />
        <input type="button"
                onclick="console:app -o -n Main"
                normal="exit" highlight="exit" pressed="exit" disabled="exit"
                x="440" y="380" width="200" height="100" name="exitbut" />

and this is the matching lua file:

local path = os.getenv("PATH");
OpenModule(path .. "/modules/minilzo.klf");
OpenModule(path .. "/modules/isofs.klf");
OpenModule(path .. "/modules/isoldr.klf");
os.execute("isoldr -x 0x8c004000 -e 8 -a -f /sd/GAMES/Aqua_GT/Aqua_GT.gdi");

Does someone see anything obviously wrong? To be clear, the apps are inside a folder that matches the name of the folder with the games under /GAMES. All apps are located under /DS/apps. Before adding these games, Dreamshell was working fine, I coudl see all apps and even launch some random games with ISO loader. Thanks
14.11.2024 18:35
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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RE: No apps on desktop - Dreamshell Release 4.0
to create a shortcut on the desktop, you do not need to create an xml file.
if you do not know how to create shortcuts manually, then just create them in the ISO Loader app

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
16.11.2024 02:38
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: No apps on desktop - Dreamshell Release 4.0
(14.11.2024 18:35)kikeminchas писал(а):  
onclick="os.execute(string.format('exec -b -f sd/Aqua_GT/Aqua_GT.gdi', os.getenv('PATH')));"

This is a completely wrong command Big Grin
But as megavolt85 already said, you don't need to do this at all. Shortcuts can be made directly in the ISO Loader application.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 16.11.2024 в 06:38, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
16.11.2024 06:38
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