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DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
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Darkodan Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #161
RE: DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
Thank you both for the welcome!

(26.02.2025 22:53)fafadou писал(а):  Fat 32, 64ko for clusters.
And welcome of course !
Yes, it was FAT 32 with Kluster 64. I formatted it with MiniTool Partition Wizard and it didn't work, but then I tried formatting it with the Wii Back Up Manager program (a program used to install Wii games), and it worked perfectly.

I don't know if what I'm saying is on another topic, but I'll leave it just in case.

(27.02.2025 01:40)MannyMania писал(а):  Welcome!! In case you don't know, Serial is very slow. IDE is the way to go.
I know, but at the moment I only have the SD Card, so I want to experiment more with this adapter.

By the way, I also realized that I need the DreamShell_bootloader_v2.7 disk to boot Dreamshell v4.0.1. So first I'll have to burn a new disk. Big Grin
27.02.2025 02:05
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fafadou Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #162
RE: DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
Each disk is good.
The disc "says" to the console to read the ide or serial port DS folder only.
27.02.2025 04:24
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #163
RE: DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
(27.02.2025 02:05)Darkodan писал(а):  By the way, I also realized that I need the DreamShell_bootloader_v2.7 disk to boot Dreamshell v4.0.1. So first I'll have to burn a new disk. Big Grin

You can use any version of Bootloader to boot any version of DreamShell 4.
SD Cards larger than 64GB are not guaranteed to work over serial port.
Use MBR table for volumes and create primary volume of FAT 32 with biggest cluster size.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
27.02.2025 12:57
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
Darkodan Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #164
RE: DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
(27.02.2025 04:24)fafadou писал(а):  Each disk is good.
The disc "says" to the console to read the ide or serial port DS folder only.

Yes! Yesterday I did everything quickly, but today I checked everything more calmly and it works fine.

(27.02.2025 12:57)SWAT писал(а):  You can use any version of Bootloader to boot any version of DreamShell 4.
SD Cards larger than 64GB are not guaranteed to work over serial port.
Use MBR table for volumes and create primary volume of FAT 32 with biggest cluster size.

You are absolutely right, SWAT! Yesterday I got confused when the format didn't work for me and I thought it was due to the disk version. But now that I've tried it again, with the correct format and files in place, DreamShell v4.0.1 is now running with the same disk. Now I will try the games I installed.

Does anyone have a link or file with the configurations for SD Card?

By the way, it worked fine with a 128GB SanDisk micro SD over serial port.

Thank you very much, SWAT, for all the work done with Dreamshell. Big Grin
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 28.02.2025 в 00:35, отредактировал пользователь Darkodan.)
28.02.2025 00:32
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 Сказали спасибо: fafadou
Elgor4uk Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #165
RE: DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
(11.01.2025 22:48)VeraBecker писал(а):  
(11.01.2025 22:10)Nuck-TH писал(а):  Sonic Adventure International виснет в главном меню(после выбора файла) на дефолтном адресе. работает на 0x8c000100
Sonic Adventure 2 чёрный экран
Sega Rally 2 чёрный экран
Half-Life циклический Loading Executable... Failed!
Toy Story 2 виснет на экране загрузки уровня

In my case these games worked with GDI Optimized

Sonic Adventure International

Sonic Adventure 2 (I had to add the retrodream firmwares in \DS\firmware\isoldr)
DMA: OFF, ASYNC: 8, FW: 3, MEMORY: 0x8c04000, HEAP: AUTO, OS: AUTO

Toy Story 2:

Эти игры прекрасно работают и без сторонних файлов из Retrodream и с включённым DMA:
1. Sonic Adventure 2 работает с DMA пресетом: DMAon+TRUE+0x8cfe8000+Auto.
2. Toy Story 2 тоже работает с DMA пресетом: DMAon+TRUE+0x8cfe8000+Auto.
3. Но если отключить DMA, то работает с памятью 0x8c004000.
4. Что лучше: память 0x8cfe8000 + DMAon или память 0x8c004000 + DMAoff?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 28.02.2025 в 09:56, отредактировал пользователь Elgor4uk.)
28.02.2025 09:04
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SWAT Не на форуме

Сообщений: 7316
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Сообщение: #166
RE: DreamShell v4.0.1 Release
(28.02.2025 09:04)Elgor4uk писал(а):  4. Что лучше: память 0x8cfe8000 + DMAon или память 0x8c004000 + DMAoff?

DMA on - лучше.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
28.02.2025 10:39
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 Сказали спасибо: Elgor4uk , fafadou
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