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SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

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SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
Hi: Anybody has reviwed the "Supermodel" emulator for Arcade's board SEGA Model 3 ?

just started to look at it while I remembered that in the 1998 Dreamcast Tower of Babel tech Demo presentation in Tokyo SEGA announced that the console is an easy programming machine in order to do the ports from previous Arcade boards model 2 and model 3,

What are the main limitations or issues with this state of things to start thinking in a Dreamcast version of Supermodel emulator ?

The list of compatibilities is superior to previous M3 emulators: https://www.supermodel3.com/About.html
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 26.08.2021 в 03:36, отредактировал пользователь Ro Magnus Larsson.)
26.08.2021 03:27
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
(26.08.2021 03:27)Ro Magnus Larsson писал(а):  What are the main limitations or issues with this state of things to start thinking in a Dreamcast version of Supermodel emulator ?

Sega Model 3 Step 1.0 have 144 MB main, 89.157226 MB video, 17.570312 MB sound, 512 KB other RAM

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
27.08.2021 01:16
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
Well I do not know where those values go but I found this...

Sega Model 3: Processor 66Mhz / Audio RAM 1Mb / Vídeo 8Mb RAM 66Mhz.

Sega Dreamcast: Processor 200Mhz / Audio RAM 2Mb / Video RAM 8Mb 100Mhz

Do you sum the Model 3 optional memory?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 28.08.2021 в 07:39, отредактировал пользователь Ro Magnus Larsson.)
28.08.2021 07:37
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
(27.08.2021 01:16)megavolt85 писал(а):  
(26.08.2021 03:27)Ro Magnus Larsson писал(а):  What are the main limitations or issues with this state of things to start thinking in a Dreamcast version of Supermodel emulator ?

Sega Model 3 Step 1.0 have 144 MB main, 89.157226 MB video, 17.570312 MB sound, 512 KB other RAM

Impossible in 1996 Smile
Ro Magnus Larsson should be right about specs, it more closer to reality.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
30.08.2021 07:27
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megavolt85 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
(30.08.2021 07:27)SWAT писал(а):  Impossible in 1996 Smile
Ro Magnus Larsson should be right about specs, it more closer to reality.

тут расчёт по карику который в случае эмуляции надо держать в ОЗУ, дриму не вытянуть эмуляцию model 3 1.0, про более поздние ревизии я молчу вовсе Shy

HKT-3030, Bios mod, SD mod, VGA internal mod, G1ATA mod, Region changer mod, PSU mod
31.08.2021 01:38
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
А тут типа проблема в картридже. Ну да, неудобно получается.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
16.09.2021 10:54
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
Bart Trzynadlowsky, the creator of Supermodel emulator was talking and was asked about both systems in the possibility to port M3 to Dreamcast, he said this in his Youtube channel:
-I think PowerVR was indeed more powerful than Model 3, and certainly more flexible. Maybe there is some metric that Model 3 excelled at but unless someone shows me otherwise, the public specs (wherever they come from) indicate the Dreamcast's PowerVR exceeds Model 3 performance in vertex transforms and fill rates.

Would be nice to run a synthetic benchmark someday once I can more easily transfer my own custom Model 3 programs onto the boards.

In the 90's, graphics progress was extremely rapid. Every piece of 3D hardware was obsolete within months! The Pro-1000 occupied an entire motherboard-sized board. It was therefore not a true "GPU" because it consisted of multiple large custom chips. PowerVR was a single chip, if I remember correctly, and therefore a true GPU and an example of the powerful implications of Moore's Law.

(...) in the how the two system naturally want to manage assets. E.g., on Model 3, the renderer has access to a huge amount of VROM whereas meshes need to be explicitly loaded in from disk on Dreamcast.
-I would expect that Dreamcast's dynamic lighting capabilities were far better than Real3D. For example, how would one do lightmaps on Real3D? I presume something like it was possible on Dreamcast. I was thinking the other day whether Quake could be ported to Model 3. It could easily handle the geometry but what about the dynamic lights?

-The hot air ripples on the desert stage are interesting because they're so ridiculously cheap and easy to do on tile generator hardware, which has a per-line scroll mode. But if all you have are textured polygons or a frame buffer to draw to directly, the effect becomes much more complicated to pull off.

-I'd love to see a synthetic benchmark constructed for Model 3 and Dreamcast Smile It is within the realm of feasibility because I have gotten code running on Model 3. Just need a better mechanism to transfer it than burning EPROMs lol.
17.05.2022 20:20
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Vara Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: SEGA Model 3 Emu for DC...
Да, model 3 отличное железо. Достаточно взглянуть на Scud Race, Daytona USA 2... Графика там бомбическая, даст прикурить Дримкасту =) Дайтона на дримкасте смотрится блекло на фоне этих игр. В них столько объектов, столько деталей... Разрешение, конечно, поменьше - 496x384, но то что творится на экране завораживает... Я согласен с Мегатроном, не хватит ресурсов у Дримки, чтобы эмулировать всё это... Ведь еще нужно эмулировать звуковые платы и прочие штуки.
01.11.2022 18:07
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