Wont Boot Normal Games - Версия для печати

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Wont Boot Normal Games - mrfixx - 03.06.2012 17:19

I can get homebrew games to work on Dreamshell, but when i try to boot a SDISO which has a "regular" dc game, it resets when it trys to load and run the game. A google search comes up blank on this.

Any ideas?


I am using dreamshell 4.0

I got this DC with it burned into the roms and GD rom removed.

RE: Wont Boot Normal Games - SWAT - 04.06.2012 07:49

What specific DS version are you using (Beta 1,2,3,4, RC 1)?
You can show all your actions? Where do you take the ISO images?

RE: Wont Boot Normal Games - alex - 04.06.2012 20:19

У него проблема походу не в DS, а в зашитом в дрим биосе (китаец который адаптеры делает такими дримами торговал). Вот видео его поделки http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY0MTcwMDUy.html
Биос там походу написанный тобой DS_loader_bios, просто похаченый.

to mrfixx
I think the problem is in the older modified bios flashed in your dreamcast. Can you upload some screenshots or video of bootstrap your dreamcast?