HDD mod Sata or IDE - Версия для печати

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HDD mod Sata or IDE - EduardoKmus - 16.06.2019 23:43

Hello dreamers. I'm about to put HDD on my Dreamcast and I have not decided between SATA Mod (Toshiba 320GB 2.5 ") or HDD IDE 40pins (Western Digital Caviar 80GB). Is there a difference in terms of compatibility with the games?

RE: HDD mod Sata or IDE - megavolt85 - 17.06.2019 00:06

SATA have problems, few games can don't start or freeze in game

RE: HDD mod Sata or IDE - Mu. - 17.06.2019 00:16

Also consider CompactFlash (CF), it runs on native IDE but theyre still in production so you don't have to rely on used drives or expensive new old stock.

RE: HDD mod Sata or IDE - EduardoKmus - 18.06.2019 00:19

Ok understand, and respect to do the mod hdd on the mainboard or on the gdrom, what do you recommend?