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Dreamcast problem!
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petterk Не на форуме

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Зарегистрирован: 30.12.2011
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Dreamcast problem!


I have a PAL Dreamcast with the link83/bios-mod.

Today, I got tired of the PAL50hz mode that it defaults to in some games, so I decided to do the region mod aswell (changing video-output to PAL60..).

Soldiered R512 to +12V, and bridged the R422.

Assembled everything together, and pressed the power-button.

So here comes the fu#%d up part:

There's NO startup animation or sound at all, and after about 5 seconds, the Dreamcast-logo is displayed, but it just stays there for about 2minutes and then the bios-menu appears.

The drive spins when I insert a game, but there is no "please wait while disc is being checked".

It's like it doesnt know wether the lid is open or closed, but I hear the gd-rom working when I insert a game.

Here's a video:


Tried disconnecting the r512 and 12v wires, but to no success.

Have I fried my motherboard with this mod or what's wrong?

I also accidentally cut one of the three tiny wires that goes from the controller-board to the fan, but soldiered it up afterwards. The fan is working, so it shouldn't be that, right? As the red wire should be the +5v?

(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 30.12.2011 в 16:28, отредактировал пользователь petterk.)
30.12.2011 16:15
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Сообщения в этой теме
Dreamcast problem! - petterk - 30.12.2011 16:15
RE: Dreamcast problem! - cybdyn - 30.12.2011, 23:22
RE: Dreamcast problem! - cybdyn - 01.01.2012, 03:57

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