Thomas Tatman
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RE: Problems with Dreamshell RC-1
Here is exactly what happens: The very first time I tried RC1 it worked perfectly, it brought up the list of everything on my card and I was able to play "Another World." The problem began when I turned off the Dreamcast and turned it back on to try another game. At this point when I chose "load from SD card" it continually rebooted the Dreamcast every time I chose that, until it finally said "can't find DS_CORE.BIN. It continued to do this until I reformatted the card, then it rebooted a few times and again said "Can't find DS_CORE.BIN If it hadn't worked the first time I tried it, then I would believe that it doesn't work. But the fact that it worked once makes me believe it is just a technical problem. Also, the older version of Dreamshell worked for a few of my games, including "Another World" and "Zussar Vassar." I refuse to give up. I really hope I am not a pain.
03.07.2012 04:43 |