Just got it working as well last night - very nice.
I'm using an 80GB IDE HDD and sd_loader_with.bios (ISO Loader in IP.BIN mode).
Quite a few games are working already (Sonic 1 + 2, Crazy Taxi 1 + 2, DOA 2, Ferrari F355, Alone In The Dark).
Runs SO much better from IDE, even in PIO mode.
I would also recommend converting all your GDI .BIN files to ISO - I don't think many games at all need the extra header info in the .BIN files?
@SWAT - does your BIN to ISO util modify the .GDI file too? It would save me a lot of time.
Is there a compatibility list on the forum for the best settings to use for each game? (for RC2.2 + sd_loader_with.bios etc.)
@alimadhi - I'm not sure what's causing the CD door problem? That doesn't seem to happen on mine?
I did notice though that Windows 7 upwards forces you to format a large HDD with exFAT instead of FAT32.
DS doesn't want to read exFAT, so I had to download a simple FAT32 format util to make it work.
After I did that, it's all working great.
I'm still not quite ready yet to send off for the new batch of IDE adapters, but I will very soon.
I probably should update that connection / test pad diagram again to simplify it a bit.
Credit to "werd" (IIRC?) for the original diagram btw. I just added the IDE signal names.
I'm tempted to make my own "Dream Tablet" too, especially when we can get the custom BIOS fully working for DS...
The custom BIOS will allow the GD drive to be removed completely, which would be great.
btw, it's probably not a good idea to run a big HDD on the poor DC power supply.
It struggles slightly to spin up (fan slows down for a second), and will probably kill the PSU eventually.
I'm running the 80GB from the DC PSU atm, but it's worth mentioning that it could damage something in the long run.