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Need Help about Dreamshell without GD ROM
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pstationBG Не на форуме

Сообщений: 9
Зарегистрирован: 13.03.2015
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Сообщение: #15
RE: Need Help about Dreamshell without GD ROM
Accept my apologies guys , I'm so dumb ...
My mistake was that I didn't removed normal CORE BIN's from the DS folder .
Just now I removed them and used the DS_CORE.BIN that megavolt said > working like a charm now.
Thanks !!!
Maybe need to stop drinking beer , must start using vodka Wink
(02.05.2015 23:17)ands писал(а):  board under the metal box, but it burned the driver, but he drimkast work
You removed this driver yes to make it work , nice .
When I finish my things will upload pictures here too .

(02.05.2015 23:24)megavolt85 писал(а):  Use bios from this topic.
Цитата:Can't attach video here I received some error that my file is too big .
Video need upload to Youtube.

Цитата:Will try to completely remove the GD ROM , but for now don't have the active crystal 33.8688 MHz still . So yes the 2.5"HDD will be there .
If you can attach picture of what you mean will be great .

My BIOS don't work without GDROM board.

I'm using the same BIOS from there .

(14.03.2015 09:55)SWAT писал(а):  Doesn't matter what the BIOS firmware you are use. In any case you need GD-ROM board for getting AICA clock from it.
If you want fully remove GD-ROM, you need attach AICA clock manually to pin B23 (use active crystal 33.8688 MHz), without it DC can't work normally.
I want to do this thing , but so far didn't found any scheme of how to do it .As I understand SWAT said that this is possible no matter of what BIOS are flashed.

I like Console MODS and BEER
02.05.2015 23:42
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RE: Need Help about Dreamshell without GD ROM - pstationBG - 02.05.2015 23:42

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