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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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Dark Hayabusa Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #311
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
(15.05.2016 03:36)Gillbert писал(а):  
(11.04.2016 15:07)dragoncity писал(а):  4- When you boot directly in Iso Loader,I would like directly arrive in IDE,not with the choice IDE VMU CD etc..:

(11.04.2016 18:34)SWAT писал(а):  4. I got it. You can change it in XML file of this application on this line
just change attribute:
PHP код:
PHP код:

That gave me an idea Smile

I use to enjoy the SDISO NeoGeo pack emulator with ROMS that I found at TiZ, recently I found that it also works from HDD, then I placed it at the following path on my HDD: ide/iso/neogeo, because I like my things a bit organized Tongue but it's a little annoying having to browse to the paths to reach the emulator folder. So I made a copy of ISO Loader with a different name and I set a special path for NeoGeo folder in the ISO Loader, now I just have to click once on the desktop icon and to choose the game folder Smile

Good job! But I need to ask you how you managed to run homebrews on the HDD since I do not work either , only Dreamcast games ( Katana or WinCE)
Tools have to make movies and series with good resolution which implements but only works for me in Dreamshell RC 3. Undecided
18.05.2016 23:41
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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List - Dark Hayabusa - 18.05.2016 23:41

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