(25.02.2017 09:56)Gillbert писал(а): (24.02.2017 16:12)aykiri1 писал(а): i have same problem. i have installed active crystal to mainboard, and HDD (crystal is OK. with crystal sound is OK)
removed gdrom. HDD not booting but SD card booting
(24.02.2017 16:12)aykiri1 писал(а): if i manuel select IDE from startup screen its booting from HDD
If you are using SD Card with DS contents, then it's normal, because Dreamshell will always firstly boot from SD Card by default.
Does it boot from HDD if you remove the SD Card?
hi Gilbert
disk is SATA
HDD not booting with or without SD
but on boot menu if i select manuel IDE then HDD booting without SD card
i tried different no_gdrom_BIOS versions same result
sd card always successed all bios versions tested
PS: when installed GDrom card HDD booting (bios is No_gdrom)