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problem with ssd booting
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ArturRGT Не на форуме

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problem with ssd booting
Hi! A few days ago i did the ide mod on my dreamcast, and put an ssd on it with the startech adapter. With the "dreamshell 4.0 rc 4 cdi image" it works perfectly, but i don't seem to be able to boot it using the "dreamshell 4.0 rc 4 + boot loader". I put the DS folder on the root of my ssd and the disk in the drive, and it just stops here:

Dreamshell boot loader v2.4
!!!Press START to enter boot menu!!!
Checking for G1 ATA devices...
g1_ata_scan: found device with LBA48: 468862128

And it does nothing. Just sits there. If i press start, it just says "enter boot menu...." And nothing happens. I wanted to do a bios mod but i am afraid it will do the same thing when booting through the new bios.
What am i doing wrong? Would dragoncity's sd mod be a way around this?
Thanks a lot in advance!
06.11.2019 05:42
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Сообщения в этой теме
problem with ssd booting - ArturRGT - 06.11.2019 05:42
RE: problem with ssd booting - yoppie - 24.02.2020, 20:57
RE: problem with ssd booting - yoppie - 25.02.2020, 20:43

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