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USB GDROM - Can't boot .GDI roms, .CDI works fine
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G-Stuff002 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #9
RE: USB GDROM - Can't boot .GDI roms, .CDI works fine
Это удар для меня, Redump скачал очень давно, думал наконец собрал Чистую коллекцию. Тогда что за группа придерживается оригинального снятия образов, чтоб без ошибок и вырезов контента ? TOSEC ? вроде как GDI у них то же.

Вот я кое-что интересное накопал:


Hi, TOSEC Dreamcast dumper here. It's not .raw vs. .bin that's the problem. TOSEC dumps using Dreamcast consoles and uses the GDI format. Redump dumps using hacked PC drives because hacked PC drives are able to read a few more bytes off of the discs that a Dreamcast cannot read. These bytes are not part of the GDI format but Redump includes them anyway, which throws everything out of alignment and thus their dumps don't work. They've actually recently abandoned putting their games in GDI format and now use a custom CUE format for Dreamcast GD-ROMs, but alas nothing yet supports that custom CUE format.

Redump does this so that the dumps are "more complete" but it doesn't really matter since obviously if a DC drive can't read these bytes, they're not important to gameplay.

И вот только что мне ответили:

Just an FYI Redump no longer uses .gdi and they haven't for a while, they use .cue now (as far as I know all you have to do is replace the .gdi with the .cue you can download from their website).
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 04.07.2020 в 18:46, отредактировал пользователь G-Stuff002.)
04.07.2020 18:42
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RE: USB GDROM - Can't boot .GDI roms, .CDI works fine - G-Stuff002 - 04.07.2020 18:42

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