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HDD IDE Issue with Degragmentation/Errors. Help
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

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HDD IDE Issue with Degragmentation/Errors. Help
Hi: I am having issues with my 160Gb Ide HDD 24% fragmented:
The disk is almost no longer bootin Dreamshell (Black screen message "ATA devices...press start to boot" (I press start but nothing)
When it boots DS: the HDD freezes at booting or at running a game or during a game, and in some games appears message "trak 05 fragmented..."
So i thought it is too fragmented. So I tried to defragment it with "Defraggler" but in the middle of the operation freezes too. So I tried to find and correct errors and sectors, with Win 7 tool (Right Click at the disk) but it does not end the operation too!.
23.08.2020 01:23
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HDD IDE Issue with Degragmentation/Errors. Help - Ro Magnus Larsson - 23.08.2020 01:23

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