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Dual Bios switch soldering accidentally removed, now DC powers on but don't boot up
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tonyhoro Не на форуме

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Dual Bios switch soldering accidentally removed, now DC powers on but don't boot up
Hi guys, I have a modded DC with IDE mod and dreamshell set up, but the person who did the job for me wasn't quite savvy with electronics, and he made a very fragile soldering on the dual bios switch, attatched to the right side of the console. It wasn't even firmly fixed to the case, and because of this I accidentally broke the switch, leaving only the wires.

My question is: is it normal that without selecting a bios, it doesn't boot up? The logical sense tells me that this is the problem of course, but since I don't have much electronic knowlegde, I'm concerned to fix the switch and still have no image output.

Here's a pic of it, the wire with the electrical tape is the on that should be in the middle of the switch:

[Изображение: 77Lu6CQ.jpg]

.jpg  índice.jpg (Размер: 28.32 Кб / Загрузок: 6)
02.09.2020 00:15
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Сообщения в этой теме
Dual Bios switch soldering accidentally removed, now DC powers on but don't boot up - tonyhoro - 02.09.2020 00:15
RE: Dual Bios switch - kirillre4 - 03.09.2020, 00:16
RE: Dual Bios switch - Zychion - 03.09.2020, 03:16

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