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Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
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chth96 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #953
RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List
I focused on testing japanese visual novel which is written "NO FUNCIONAN" in animekai's compatibility list
(Akihabara Dennou Gumi Pata Pies,Cardcaptor Sakura,Majo no Ochakai,Moekan,Wind - A Breath of Heart,Yuki Gatari,Shinseiki Evangelion - Ayanami Ikusei Keikaku,Marie & Elie no Atelier - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1-2,Shirotsumesouwa - Episode of the Clovers,Super Robot Taisen Alpha)
and It works well in retrodream.

Akihabara Dennou Gumi Pata Pies(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC 8,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)
Cardcaptor Sakura(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)
Majo no Ochakai(0x8ce00000,Loader 8,It require VGABOX for my dreamcast)
Marie & Elie no Atelier - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1-2(0x8cef8000,DMA on,SYNC True,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)
Moekan(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)
Princess Holiday (IP.BIN(CUT),0x8CE00000,Loader 8 Ir require VGABOX)
Shinseiki Evangelion - Ayanami Ikusei Keikaku(0x8c004000,DMA on,SYNC 8,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader auto)
Wind - A Breath of Heart(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)
Shirotsumesouwa - Episode of the Clovers(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader auto)
Yuki Gatari(0x8c000100,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA on,OS auto,Loader 2)
Super Robot Taisen Alpha(0x8ce00000,DMA off,OS WINCE,Loader 10)

EDIT:I tested more japanese dreamcast games in retrodream.

Kitahei Gold v1.007 (1999)(Net Village)(JP)(0x8ce00000,Loader 10,not support CDDA,No BGM..)It is impossible for me to play this game with CDDA support in any preset of retrodream..)

SGGG - Segagaga(v1.222,v2.00) (0x8ce00000,DMA on,SYNC 8, CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 10)
Himitsu - Yui ga Ita Natsu v1.003(0x8cff0000,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)
Tamakyuu v1.000 (2003)(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC ture,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 8 It require VGABOX)
Yoshia no Oka De Nekoronde... v1.001(0x8ce00000,DMA off, SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 10)
Konohana 2 - Todokanai Requiem v1.002 (0x8cff0000,DMA on,SYNC True,CDDA on,OS auto,Loader 11)

Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni(0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC True,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)

Inoue Ryouko - Last Scene,
Miss Moonlight,
Pizzicato Polka,
Mei - Puru v1.003
All of above game works well in the retrodream's preset of (0x8cfe8000,DMA on,SYNC 8,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 11)

Historical Mystery adventure Troy
(IP.BIN,0X8CE00000,DMA on,SYNC 16,CDDA off,OS auto,Loader 10)(Control of dpad would be abnormal in the title screen,if you plugin Nexus 4MB memory card in dreamcast controller.)

I have noticed that my dreamcast seldom reboot when I play Kenju-Atomiswave with preset of 0x8ce00000,DMA off, SYNC 1-16,Os auto,Loader auto in retrodream..

I tested below preset in lastest dreamshell(retrodream doesn't supports address of 0x8cd000000) I select Shihua character and beating twice all of character in normal mode and I have no experience of any error of reboot or any freeze.Smile


(0x8cd00000,DMA off, SYNC none,OS auto, Loader 14(iso loader 0.6.11 beta _noCDDA or other isoloader 0.6.11 beta))

Roommate Asami: Okusama ha Joshikousei - Director's Edition
(0x8ce00000, DMA off, OS auto, Loader 10)

this preset fix the problem of blackscreen of opening movie when You play it with Loader auto..

alternative preset.
(0x8cfe8000, DMA on, SYNC ture-16, Os auto, Loader 11)

Simple2000 Series DC Vol. 02 - Natsuiro Celebration - The Ren'ai Simulation
(0x8cfe8000, DMA on, SYNC ture,8, Os auto, Loader 11)

Simple2000 Series DC Vol. 04 - Okaeri! - The Ren'ai Adventure
(0x8cfe0000, DMA on, SYNC 8, Os auto, Loader 11)

Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 3 ,My Merry Maybe v1.000
(0x8cfe8000, DMA on, SYNC 16, Os auto, Loader 11)

AeroWings 2 - Airstrike v1.001 (2000)(Crave)(US)[!]
this preset fix sudden freezing in any flight mission.
(IP.BIN(CUT),0x8ce00000, DMA off, OS auto, Loader 10,8)

Zero Gunner 2
(0x8c004000, DMA on, Sync True, OS auto, Loader 11)

EDIT2: I finally succeed to run Frist Kiss Story2 in retrodream..
(Direct,0x8CB00000,DMA on, SYNC 7, CDDA off, OS auto,Loader 11,14)

But It has three problem which has to be fix in the future..
First problem, It freezed frequently when I press continuously A or B or X or Y button in order to fast skip any character's dialogue So, It is impossible to fast skip any character's dialogue.
And Second Problem is serious.It freezed in particular FMV animation.
I upload my test of Frist Kiss Story2 to youtube
and I also upload savedata to dropbox which I transfered with Vmu manager in dreamshell. if you feel inclined,You can test this savedata which is the same savedata with below youtube video

Third problem is very serious..
there is some point where display blackscreen after FMV animation and cannot make progress anymore..I think It definitely need some update for iso loader in order to continue gameplay.

if you are interested in this blackscreen symptom, You can test it by downloading below dropbox link and select slot 8 of save data of Frist Kiss Story2.

EDIT2: I noticed that save file, which I have uploaded a few weeks ago, cannot be loaded from emulator.
So. I just have uploaded vmd save file to dropbox(I renamed it to vmu_save_A1.bin in order to be used in flycast emulator.)
In First Kiss Story2 save file, You can find that Slot 3 and slot 8 is problematic savedata which freezed in particular FMV animation and permanently display blackscreen after FMV animation.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 16.06.2021 в 03:10, отредактировал пользователь chth96.)
21.03.2021 14:03
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RE: Dreamcast GDI Compatibility List - chth96 - 21.03.2021 14:03

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