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CDDA Not Working with Optimized GDIs [SOLVED]
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Ro Magnus Larsson Не на форуме

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RE: CDDA Not Working with Optimized GDIs [SOLVED]
(23.02.2022 14:43)fafadou писал(а):  
(21.02.2022 01:00)Ro Magnus Larsson писал(а):  Have you tried NBA Hoopz ? CDDA is the commentator and cant hear it in Dreamshell

I'm seeing in the dragoncity's list the preset is DMA sync 16 but there is no mention about cdda...
You can try cdda with loader 3 and loader 11 in retrodream.
also in original format than opt format.

I have the same issue with Panzer front recently english translated, no cdda...
I'll try in orginal format instead of opt.
If you activate CDDA as preset in NBA Showtime or NBA Hoopz you hear commentator's voice all the time from the titles screen before any match, so it has a failure
21.04.2022 00:13
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RE: CDDA Not Working with Optimized GDIs [SOLVED] - Ro Magnus Larsson - 21.04.2022 00:13

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