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Question about reading and writing data with sd card
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #8
RE: Question about reading and writing data with sd card
(01.01.2023 04:38)kof888 писал(а):  600-700 KB/sec. is not too slowBig Grin

Yes but it's PIO and spends a lot of CPU time. Most games uses DMA transfer that not used CPU in general. And this is main problem.

(01.01.2023 04:38)kof888 писал(а):  I forgot to ask, if the program is directly executed from the file manager, where is the program loaded into the memory? How is it implemented?
I think, if I am careful, the file manager should not be damaged. After executing my program, can rts return directly?

Also, happy new year~Big Grin

This executed at default address - 8c010000.
In any case DS shutting down before executing binary because binary loaded to default address where DS core executed too. Compile your program as command or module for DS and you can use it without shutting down DS.
Happy new year!

[Изображение: barbers.png]
01.01.2023 13:22
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RE: Question about reading and writing data with sd card - SWAT - 01.01.2023 13:22

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