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Lua 5.4
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Lua 5.4
Hi! Nice to see you here.
No one has yet praised me for the modular system, it's worth a lot, thank you. It's especially nice to hear that from a good developer.
There is only one reason why I use version 5.1 - I started intergating lua in 2007 Smile Then it was the last one. I would love to switch to a new one, but there is not enough time for all the Wishlist. So much more to do Smile It wasn't a big priority for me. But maybe it's time to do it. I like lua, it's cool.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
19.02.2023 13:55
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Сообщения в этой теме
Lua 5.4 - Falco Girgis - 18.02.2023, 17:50
RE: Lua 5.4 - SWAT - 19.02.2023 13:55


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