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Is there a Download of all game settings?
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MannyMania Не на форуме

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RE: Is there a Download of all game settings?
(07.03.2023 06:59)MannyMania писал(а):  
(06.03.2023 16:47)MilkeyWilkey писал(а):  with a new loader in active development some if not most of the current presets will be obsolete, so unless you are playing on an old version they won't be of any use

When the new loader is ready it's going to be more towards CDDA audio right?? So maybe it won't be that many changes..... Maybe Confused

Anyway Swat is gonna master the loader and we won't even need the settings anymore.....Tongue
07.03.2023 07:18
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RE: Is there a Download of all game settings? - MannyMania - 07.03.2023 07:18


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