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How I Solved the DC VA0 JAP Black Screen Issue in Four Games!
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CrisMod Не на форуме

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RE: How I Solved the DC VA0 JAP Black Screen Issue in Four Games!
(02.11.2023 13:32)fafadou писал(а):  Dragoncity had better result with vmu for evil twin and ooga booga. Check in his list.

do you have cdda for those games ?

Hey fafadou Smile, the issue here doesn't hinge on which settings one uses or doesn't use. In this guide, I delve into the root cause of the problem. Game testing on my end has been flawless, and they all run smoothly, so that's not the main focus of this guide. Instead, we're here to investigate and uncover the other issues that VA0 JAP users might come across and where they should look for a solution (believe me, I've conducted more tests in recent weeks than I can count). Now everything is functioning well, particularly after eliminating the glitch that was exclusive to VA0 JAP.

The settings for Looney Toones now are exactly the same as yours, and now the game can even start with any other configuration as well. The remarkable thing is that this particular glitch on VA0 JAP that I encountered in this game is truly astonishing.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 02.11.2023 в 15:12, отредактировал пользователь CrisMod.)
02.11.2023 15:07
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RE: How I Solved the DC VA0 JAP Black Screen Issue in Four Games! - CrisMod - 02.11.2023 15:07

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