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RetroDream Compatibilities with Dreamcast VA0-VA1 RUS-US-PAL-JP HDD-SSD
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miguelmarrero72 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #43
RE: RetroDream Compatibilities with Dreamcast VA0-VA1 RUS-US-PAL-JP HDD-SSD
(26.08.2024 00:27)fafadou писал(а):  
(23.08.2024 04:18)miguelmarrero72 писал(а):  I am using 471 which is 470pf 0.47nf and I have pin 1 connected. You have 3 test modes 1 without capacitor 2 with capacitor 3 without connecting pin 1 wire

With pin 1 and pin 1 with capacitor, I have a freeze after the dreamshell music before the desktop screen appear.

Without pin 1, the system ask me where it should load dreamshell from cd or sd card, the ssd is not found...

Maybe it's due to my ide cable too long, or the brand of my ssd, I have a samsung instead of a crucial.
It may be the cable but that adapter works with pin one on and the capacitor is 1 to 2. Try using an IDE ATA 133 cable. Try directly with an IDE HDD and discard the cable. and put the capacitor as close to the adapter as possible

(26.08.2024 01:52)aldair писал(а):  
(26.08.2024 00:27)fafadou писал(а):  
(23.08.2024 04:18)miguelmarrero72 писал(а):  I am using 471 which is 470pf 0.47nf and I have pin 1 connected. You have 3 test modes 1 without capacitor 2 with capacitor 3 without connecting pin 1 wire

With pin 1 and pin 1 with capacitor, I have a freeze after the dreamshell music before the desktop screen appear.

Without pin 1, the system ask me where it should load dreamshell from cd or sd card, the ssd is not found...

Maybe it's due to my ide cable too long, or the brand of my ssd, I have a samsung instead of a crucial.
You need to solder the capacitor by making a jumper on pin 1 and pin 2.

[Изображение: m0aFva0h.png]


With this adapter, the capacitor 1 is used to 2 but without the cable 1 connected to the console. In my case, with the Startech brand, it works perfectly.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 26.08.2024 в 03:14, отредактировал пользователь miguelmarrero72.)
26.08.2024 03:06
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RE: RetroDream Compatibilities with Dreamcast VA0-VA1 RUS-US-PAL-JP HDD-SSD - miguelmarrero72 - 26.08.2024 03:06

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