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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
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Сообщение: #1
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
.:How to Copy a GD with a CDROM:.

1 Introduction
1.1 Preparing the Drive
2 Tools:
2.1 CDRWin
2.2 GD Lister
2.3 Extract
2.4 Isofix
2.5 Isobuster
2.6 CloneCD
3 122 Minute TOCs
3.1 Data TOC
3.2 Audio TOC
4 Explaining the Method
4.1 Extracting the TOC
4.2 Extracting the Data Tracks
4.3 Extracting the Audio Tracks
4.4 Extracting the ip.bin

1. Introduction.
This method consists of a "swap-trick", it’s more or less the same method used on the
Saturn or PSX before the existence of mod-chips, it basically consists on cheating the drive so it
doesn't detect we've changed the CD.
GD-ROMs are nothing more than regular CDs with a higher data density, that is, the data
is recorded closer together, but they're not made of any special material nor recorded in any
different way than a normal CD-R would, so... How do we get 1 gigabyte capacity? Simple, by
eliminating error correction and redundance, this makes it possible to use only a single byte of
space in order to save a single byte of data on disc.
Being that GDs are nothing more than regular CD media, it is understandable that a
CD/DVD drive would be capable of reading them without a problem, as we'll soon find out.

1.1 Preparing the Drive.
The first thing we need is a CD-R drive, buy a cheap one, something you won't mind
taking apart. Also, it MUST be capable of reading 80 min CDs/CD-RW without a problem and
with digital audio extraction. Although I haven't tried this out with a DVD drive yet, it should do
even better, because the laser autoadjusts to read different formats. The drive I'm using is an
Artec 50x, another one that works is the Acer 32x.
OK, once we have our drive, we need to adapt it. The first thing to do is to take off the
drive's cover (the outer shell), both the upper and lower plates and if necessary, freeing the CD
bay (take off the disc tray).
Once we have our "naked" drive, we take off the magnetic sheet, which fixes and centers
the CD within the drive, in my case (Artec 50x), it's the strip that goes over the drive from one
end to the other with a circle in the center, this circle is magnetized. Right, we take off the
screws and keep this sheet aside, it should be easy to take off whenever we like. We finally have
our drive ready, no need to say we should have full access to the top of the CD whenever we
need, so don't shove the drive inside your computer case.
2. Tools.
Here, I shall describe the necessary tools for extracting files from a GD-ROM. I'll only
give a brief description of each tool, their specific use shall be unveiled once we get to the part
where they are needed.
2.1 CDRWin
Probably the best CD burning software there is, it's the key to our method. We'll need it
to read the GD-ROM, because of its capability to extract sectors.

2.2 GD Lister
This program, created by Yursoft and translated by me (StateS), is used to detect
where each track within the disc starts and ends, parting from an ip.bin file or an ISO image
containing a GD-ROM TOC. Very useful!

2.3 Extract.
With this application, we'll be able to extract the specified files from any ISO image,
using its TOC.

2.4 Isofix.
This tool will prove very useful if we've been capable (a rare case indeed) of creating a
complete GD-ROM image, even if it's split in two parts. It assigns LBA values to an image file.

2.5 Isobuster.
Just in case you don't know what this does, I'll explain a bit: It extracts individual files
from a buttload of image file formats, including .ISO... In our case, it fulfills the same functions
as Extract.

2.6 CloneCD
We'll need this to make the 122 minute ISOs and burn them on cd's.

3. 122 Minute TOCs.
Right, as I've explained before, the method consists of a swap-trick. We need to fool the
drive so it thinks it's reading a CD-ROM, NOT a GD-ROM. A GD-ROM has 1GB data capacity,
549150 sectors, 122 minutes, and has the following track structure:
Dummy data track (sectors 0-x)
Audio track (sectors x-y) (there may be none, as well)
Valid data track (sectors y-549150)
Knowing this, and keeping in mind that the max capacity for a regular CD-ROM is 80
minutes, we could be driving ourselves crazy with one simple question “How do we extract the
sectors where all of the data is held?”.
The solution is... CloneCD images include a .ccd file that is the equivalent to CDRWin's
.cue files. That is, it tells where each track within a CD starts and where it ends. OK, this file may
be modified using whatever text editor you like, so with a little bit of know-how, we'll be able to
modify certain data and convert a 72 minute TOC into a 122 minute TOC.
Along with this tutorial you will find a 122 minute data TOC and an audio TOC, but it's
interesting to know how to modify a TOC in order to achieve this.

3.1 Data TOCs.
To create a data TOC, we need a Mode 1 image made with CloneCD; CloneCD images
are composed of 3 files: a .ccd, a .img and a .sub, the one we need is the .ccd, which, despite
its file extension, is no more than a Windows .ini file. The file is divided into sections, the first
two sections contain settings relative to the software version and disc structure, and then we
have as many sections as we do tracks within the image. The one we're interested in is entry
number 2: more specifically, the PLBA field of this entry, we must modify the value of this field
and change it to 549150, which is the exact number of sectors in a GD-ROM. It should end up
looking like this:
[Entry 2]
PLBA=549150 <--

Once we've modified the .ccd, we burn the image using CloneCD. This will give us an
error message, stating that the image's TOC is incorrect and will offer the choice of fixing it or
leaving it intact. It's quite evident we should tell the application to keep using the current TOC
without making any modifications; let it keep its fixes to itself...
Once the image is burned, we now have a "Trap Disc" which lets us read all the way to
sector 549150, so now we'll be able to extract the full GD!

3.2 Audio TOCs.
Evidently, with the image we have right now we can only extract data in Mode 1
(2048), so now we need a "Trap Disc" for audio extraction. The process and modifications are
exactly the same, only with a CloneCD image in Audio format.

4. Explaining the Method.
Now that we have both our modified TOCs, CDRWin and the rest of the tools, we can
start ripping GDs! My tests were made with DreamON 10, which is a SEGA demo disc.
Before we go on, make sure you have easy access to your “naked” drive; once we have our
system ready, Windows running, and our drive detected, we can start the process.

4.1 Extracting the TOC.
This is the easiest step in the whole process, it consists in creating an image that
contains the first 500 sectors of the disc, the GD-ROM's TOC is contained within. In order to
achieve this, we must do the following: Insert the Data “Trap Disc” in your drive, start CDRWin
and choose the third option (Extract Disc/Tracks/Sectors), hit the TOC button and read the Trap
Disc's TOC; while we're waiting for CDRWin to finish reading the cd, choose the following
• Extraction Mode: Select sectors.
• Image filename: Any name you want, for example: toc.iso
• File format: Automatic
• Start sector: 45000
• End sector: 46000
• Datatype: Data Mode 1 (2048)
• Error recovery: Abort
• Jitter Correction: Auto
• Data Speed: 4x
• Audio Speed: 4x
• Read Retry Count: 0
• Subcode Threshold: 300

We shold have CDRWin configured as shown in the following image:
Once we have CDRWin configured, we have to wait for the drive's motor and CD to stop
spinning. Once the motor stops, we take off the metallic strip from the top of the CD (the one
that's magnetized), we remove our trap disc and place our desired GD-ROM, we place the
metallic strip back on and start extracting. If all goes well, the disc should not make any noises
and a little bit later we'll have an image of approximately 2 MB in size.
Once we've extracted our TOC image, we need to know where each track starts and
ends in order to extract the audio/data tracks. To do this, we need to open up our brand new
TOC image using GD Lister. We should be looking at the following:
As we can see, there are a total of 3 tracks, the first data track, which is of no use to us,
is a dummy file that pushes the data onto the end of the disc, this cuts the loading time in the
games by a bit. The second track is audio and the one at the end is our data track, which
contains all the game files. In this case, the key sectors are 227454, which is the beginning of
the data track and 549150, which is the final part of the data track and the GD-ROM itself. We
now know where to start the data extraction without fear of messing things up.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT change the CD until the motor has stopped completely.

4.2 Extracting the Data Tracks.
Once we know the beginning sector of the data track, the only thing we need to do is tell
CDRWin to extract from that sector and all the way to the end of the disc. I don't know why,
but if the data track starts before sector 370000 (more or less), we have to split it into two,
otherwise, the drive won't extract the data all the way to the end. In this case, we split the image
into TWO images: one that goes from 227454 to 369999 and another one from 370000 to
549150. To extract these images, we use the same configuration we used when extracting the
TOC. Just like before, if the GD-ROM doesn't make any weird noises, then everything's fine. If
we're capable of extracting all the way to sector 549150, then we're almost done...
Now we have two .ISO files with no TOC and on top of that: split! I know this doesn't
look too good, but we can merge the two isos into one and still use the TOC we extracted as the
resulting iso's own TOC. To merge both pieces, we use a simple DOS command called copy with
the following syntax:
copy /b img_pc01.iso+img_pc02.iso new_img.iso
After a little while, we'll have ourselves a complete ISO named new_img.iso. The ISO is
STILL missing the TOC, so we can't extract any files with ISOBuster yet... What we're gonna
do now is: use our extract tool to use our first TOC as the merged ISOs own TOC. Here are the
syntaxes needed (in DOS):
extract toc.iso new_img.iso 227604 (227454+150)
This particular command will extract all the files from the ISO which contains the data
image we extracted earlier; we must add 150 sectors because extract doesn't count the sectors
assigned to the TOC.
Once extract finishes, we should have a folder with all the files from the GD-ROM, here
are the files and folders from the DreamON 10 Demo Disc:
And that's it! We've succesfully extracted all the files from our GD-ROM. All we need to
take care of now are the audio tracks, if there are any... Don't worry, the process is somewhat
easier than extracting the data tracks...

4.3 Extracting the Audio Tracks.
Once we have the data from our GD-ROM, we can start ripping audio tracks. First of all
we need to write down where each audio track starts and where it ends, using our GD Lister to
read the respective TOC. Only after this do we take out our GD-ROM and place our audio "Trap
Disc" into the drive and make CDRWin read it's TOC; once our drive's motor and disc come to a
stop, we take out our trap disc and insert our GD-ROM once more, reuse the options used to
extract the data track except for the following options in CDRWin:
– File Format: WAVE
– Jitter correction: Auto
– Datatype: Audio (2352)
We specify the start and end sectors for each track and proceed to extract each one
individually; once finsihed, we'll have as many .WAV files as the number of audio tracks in our

4.4 Extracting the ip.bin.
We're almost done! We just need to take care of one more thing: extracting the ip.bin,
which is the bootstrap in all our DreamCast games and it indicates which file should be executed
first, driver/video mode compatibility, game manufacturer and some other stuff. This file is
essential in order to make any Dreamcast game work. If we're lucky, the file will be included as
another file among the ones we extracted before, if not, then we've got work to do...
Although it's not the isofix's primary function, this program can extract a game's ip.bin
when applied on an image file containing the game's TOC: it extracts into a file named boot.bin.
When we start up this program, it asks for the image file we wish to patch, as well as the LBA
value from which we want to start the procedure; this value is 45000. Once isofix finishes, we'll
have two files: a tmp.iso - which we don't care for, and a boot.bin - which we need to rename to
ip.bin and use as a boot sequence for the game we want to burn.

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15.05.2005 13:36
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Rip GDs with |cdrom|( short explanation ):


What you need:

-CDRWIN 3.8 or superior.
-Reader of |cdrom| compatible with reading until 122 minutes.
-TOC of 122 minutes of data in MODE 1.
-TOC of 122 minutes in audio.
-GD Lister 1.6
-GD Fixer 0.9 or GDK



-No drive will read if you put 450000 as the beginning sector.
-The audio cannot be read with the data trap disc, it always fails.
-Don't put the reading speed past 4x if you really want the disc to read well. But if you don't try you never know, right? ;)
-Try to keep to GD as clean as possible.
-The GDs are recorded from bottom to top so don't think that extracting until the 99 minute will get you anywhere, since the 1st_read.bin file is always at the end of the GD in aprox sector 540000.


1є Open up the drive (litteraly take the outer casing apart).

2є Start CDRWIN, put the data trap disc and wait for the drive to stop reading or use pararcd, replace the trap disc with the GD, and extract 1є sector 45000(not 450000)-46000 in MODE 1 2048. Name the resulting iso as TOC.iso

3є Start GDLister and open the TOC.ISO, see what is the structure of the disc (what tracks does it have).

Note: Make sure CDRwin is configured like this, go to the Select Sectors menu to configure:

-Error Recovery: Abort
-Jitter........: Auto
-Read Retry....: 5
-Data Speed....: 4x
-Audio Speed...: 4x


4є Extract from 45000 to the end of the 1є data track in MODE 1 2048. Name this iso Data1.ISO

5є Extract from the beginning of the 2є data track to 549150 in MODE 1 2048. Name this iso Data2.ISO

6є Swap the audio trap disc for the GD, extract from the beginning of the first audio track until the end the last audio tack. Name this iso AUDIO.BIN


4є Extract from 45000-549150 in MODE 1 2048. Name this iso Data.ISO (It usually occupies 984 megs)



1є Copy the two data isos to the folder which contains extract.exe.
Open GDLister and select TOC.ISO, and write down the LBA where the 2є data track starts and add 150. You must add 150 for this to work!

2є Type this in a command prompt (cmd, dos, whatever you'd like to call it): extract Data1.ISO Data2.ISO (the LBA number from the start of the second data track)+150
Now wait for extract to finish what it's doing.

3є You can delete Data1.iso and Data2.iso if you like (I always save them until I actually finish the job)


1є Copy the data iso to the folder which contains extract.exe.

2є Type this in a command prompt (cmd, dos, whatever you'd like to call it): extract DATOS.ISO
Now wait for extract to finish what it's doing.
You can delete Data1.iso and Data2.iso if you like (I always save them until I actually finish the job)


Open GD Lister 1.6 (important) and open the TOC.ISO. Select the audio tracks and press the extract button. !!!!!!!!!Donde el sector a partir de donde extrajimos las pistas de audio que deberнa ser el primero sector de la 1є pista de audio que haya!!!!!!!!!!. The sector of the first track should appear upon selection. It should ask you for the name of the iso which contains the audio tracks, select the AUDIO.BIN.


So now we have the files, easy right?, now let's hack/fix, well whatever you wanna call this next step:

With GDFIXER 0.9:

-Select the game's executable file, put the LBA value of the beginning point of the 2є track to make the game selfbootable or if you want to use a boot cd leave it at 0, next click on GD HACK, but if it has audio press the one which says AUDIO. When you press GD HACK it should ask you if the game has audio answer according to the case.

If you like to use command line progs (to each his own I say):

If the game has audio type:
cdda executable_name
dahack executable_name LBA
LBA is the where sector begins the part of data of the autoejecutable if it is |bootcd| put 0.

If has not audio put:
hack3 names_executable NumeroSector
NumeroSector is the where sector begins the part of data of the autoejecutable if it is |bootcd| put 0.

Now you engrave the game according to it have selected, if is autoejecutable because it follow the steps that come you with the program that go to use, and if it are for be accustomed with CD key because engrave it with the program that prefered in MODE 1 (important).

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15.05.2005 13:40
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Ну а здесь подробное описание еще есть

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15.05.2005 13:47
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Swat, у меня нет больших проблем с англицким, но с технической частью есть. Поэтому если когда-нибудь сможешь перевести это в упрошённый русский для ламеров, то я попробую отриппить свой американский D2, которой на левых вышел только первым диском, а остальное так и не смогли. А игра-то классная, странная, но хорошая. Особенно в контексте каталога игр Dreamcastа.
15.05.2005 17:54
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Сообщение: #5
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Если я сам попробую, то на сайте напишу статейку об этом...

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16.05.2005 09:35
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
интересная идея :)
как это народ раньше не придумал...
сам процесс не сложный, да и ничего паять и при стыковывать не надо...
нужен только сидюк способный считать данные (как видно не все модели
это могут), несколько "болванок-обманок" :) на которых записана
структура которую требуется сграбить... вставляем "болванку-обманку"
:) , подготавливаем для чтения софт, потом вынимаем её, вставляем GD-ROM-чик.
точно нужно будет попробовать...
16.05.2005 19:18
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
SWAT,May 16 2005, 07:05:29 писал(а):Если я сам попробую, то на сайте напишу статейку об этом...

Не могу понять одного момента. Зачем нужен swap disk? Для того чтобы CDRW считал с него неправильную инфу содержащуюся где? в каком месте? И почему если он читает обычные track-и c GD-ROM-a он не может эту же инфу с GD-ROM-a считать?
16.05.2005 21:18
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Сообщение: #8
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Треки наверно с обычной плотностью накатаны, а данные с удвоеной, вот и приходится идти на программные ухищрения, для распознования того что считалось :)
Я особо не вникал сам то в эту тему, так что наверняка сказать немогу. Если хочеш узнать, то почитай инфу о строении GD-ROM'a.

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17.05.2005 05:48
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
17.05.2005 09:05
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Смори здесь, я писал недавно о нем:

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17.05.2005 16:40
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Сообщение: #11
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
cir,May 15 2005, 16:05:56 писал(а):Swat, у меня нет больших проблем с англицким, но с технической частью есть. Поэтому если когда-нибудь сможешь перевести это в упрошённый русский для ламеров, то я попробую отриппить свой американский D2, которой на левых вышел только первым диском, а остальное так и не смогли. А игра-то классная, странная, но хорошая. Особенно в контексте каталога игр Dreamcastа.

Naschet D2 est reliz gd-roma 2 pokrajnej mere byla infa.
A vobhse ja ripal D2 i ty ee tochno ne smozhesh sdelat :)
Tak pervyj disk i poslednij ne problema tam est videoroliki ix downsamplish i vse.
2 i 3 problema dazhe esli na 900 suvat ne vlizaet da i eshe LBA ne obojti tak kak esli delat s boot cd to prosto diskov ne vidno budet. Nu projdesh ty 1 disk tebja prosjat vstavit vtoroj i zhopa. A audio ne downsemplitsja vernej ty ego mozhesh umenshit no fignja budet

Da a naschet ettogo sposoba on davno izvesten i ne pravda
JuriSoft (spanish men) on ego osudhestvil toko tozhe fignja v tom chto cd-rom nuda osobenyj :( Artech ix polno bylo u nas a vot kak ja xvatilsja ix negde netu.
Ento tak let 5 tomu :) naverno uzhe.
PS: Swat nu netu u menja klavy russkoj ty sam znaesh.
A v windax myshkoj mne lomno :)

Насчет Д2 ест релиз гд-рома 2 покрайней мере была инфа.
А вобхсе я рипал Д2 и ты ее точно не сможеш сделат
Так первый диск и последний не проблема там ест видеоролики их downsampling и все.
2 и 3 проблема даже если на 900 суват не влизает да и еше ЛБА не обойти так как если делат с боот цд то просто дисков не видно будет. Ну пройдеш ты 1 диск тебя просят вставит второй и жопа. А аудио не дощнсемплится верней ты его можеш уменшит но фигня будет

Да а насчет еттого способа он давно известен и не правда
ЮриСофт (спаниш мен) он его осудхествил токо тоже фигня в том что цд-ром нуда особеный Артеч их полно было у нас а вот как я хватился их негде нету.
Енто так лет 5 тому наверно уже.
ПС: Сщат ну нету у меня клавы русской ты сам знаеш.
А в щиндах мышкой мне ломно

PSS: Количество смайликов в сообщении превышает норму. Уменьшите количество смайликов
19.05.2005 08:01
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Я вижу ты нашел кнопочку перекодировщика :)

[Изображение: barbers.png]
19.05.2005 08:33
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Я пробовал где то месяца 2 назад, правда попробовал только на 3х разных cd\rw, на двдрв поленился пробовать..
На обычных сидюках вобще ничего не удалось скопировать, на сдрв около 800-850мб, точно не помню.. надо на двдрв пробовать.

21.05.2005 01:01
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SunDragon Не на форуме

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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
дык полность сграбить удалось или как?
21.05.2005 13:46
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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Но думаю на двдрв получится.

21.05.2005 17:13
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SunDragon Не на форуме

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RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
модели тестируемых устройств можно узнать?
23.05.2005 10:24
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Sanchez Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #17
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Люди я на выходных, если не лень будет, забацаю вам перевод.

.in Apple we trust
25.05.2005 21:33
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cvgs Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #18
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Corey,May 25 2005, 17:05:40 писал(а):Люди я на выходных, если не лень будет, забацаю вам перевод.
ну и где ?

Распродажа, на разные консоли.
Приставки, игры, аксессуары, чипы.
Игры на PSone, Dreamcast, Saturn, XBOX.
КУПЛЮ, игры и аксесуары для разных приставок.
Тарифы Почты России и EMS. (Почтовый калькулятор) [Изображение: b9fd5c3b51e7.gif]
04.06.2005 23:53
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #19
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Видать лень была у него на выходных, приходила погостить ;)

[Изображение: barbers.png]
05.06.2005 10:16
Вебсайт Найти все сообщения Цитировать это сообщение
cvgs Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #20
RIP GD-ROM с помощью обычных приводов.
Corey,May 25 2005, 17:05:40 писал(а):Люди я на выходных, забацаю вам перевод.
хм, не сурьёзно ! B)

Распродажа, на разные консоли.
Приставки, игры, аксессуары, чипы.
Игры на PSone, Dreamcast, Saturn, XBOX.
КУПЛЮ, игры и аксесуары для разных приставок.
Тарифы Почты России и EMS. (Почтовый калькулятор) [Изображение: b9fd5c3b51e7.gif]
07.06.2005 19:04
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