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Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
I was told that this program MIGHT make ISO'S perform better in Dreamshell. There is a link to the program below, I have no idea if this will work better, but it was brought to my attention by a post over at Dreamcast-Talk forums.


Here are some comments somebody said they did this on another console and the ISO speeds were better than before.

Цитата:VERY NICE! if he was to do a triple pass defragmentation on the ISO those games would probably work. I had the same issue on the Knight Raizer, but when i learned about the special defragmenter....and did it...everything worked! If i didnt have so many projects i would murder this thing!


I guess you just run this program and choose the ISO file, and it compresses it and converts it to tripple pass. Let me know how this works for you guys, I don't have my SD card adapter yet.
21.01.2011 06:39
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SWAT Не на форуме

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RE: Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
As far as I understand they are talking about defragmenting an SD card.
This may slightly increase the speed of reading, but it will not matter much.
The problem of lags in games is not because of the speed of reading, there are other reasons that I'm trying to solve.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
21.01.2011 08:10
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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RE: Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
Oh, ok I understand now. I was wondering how defraging games was going to make it faster lol.

So what do you think is possible in the future with most retail games. Will the CDDA prove too big an obstacle to overcome in order to have a higher retail iso combatibility list. Do you think that the code can be optomized any more significantly, or is Dreamshell almost at its limit on transfering data from the card to the system.

The ISO's can't run full speed if there is CDDA, and that probrabaly will never change will it? Anyway, I want to thank you for all your work you have given to the Dreamcast community, and I know you have worked very, very hard on Dreamshell over the last 5 years or so, and I want you to know that I may not post much here, but I am OBSESSED with Dreamshell now, the possibilities are endless. Wink
21.01.2011 12:43
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
Thanks, I try. Smile
I am currently working on a new version. I hope to finish soon.

CDDA tracks are played without the memory and processor, the flow goes from the GD-ROM directly to the audio processor using the DMA. Therefore, it would be difficult to implement it. Anyway I will leave it in conclusion. Smile

[Изображение: barbers.png]
21.01.2011 17:17
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TuxTheWise Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
(21.01.2011 17:17)SWAT писал(а):  Thanks, I try. Smile
I am currently working on a new version. I hope to finish soon.

It's wonderful to hear that! *-*
24.01.2011 16:00
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ms18e Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: Triple pass defragmentation on ISO's for better transfer speeds
(21.01.2011 17:17)SWAT писал(а):  Thanks, I try. Smile
I am currently working on a new version. I hope to finish soon.

CDDA tracks are played without the memory and processor, the flow goes from the GD-ROM directly to the audio processor using the DMA. Therefore, it would be difficult to implement it. Anyway I will leave it in conclusion. Smile

Great! We are looking forward to your new release Smile
24.01.2011 18:08
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