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Dreamcast Sd card
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M45 Не на форуме

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Dreamcast Sd card
hi all!

I have a chinese DC sd card, from Xckdiy. I try loading some games but it have too slowdowns on the game.

my Sd card is a LEXAR 2GB, if i buy another fast SD card, like Sandisk Ultra II, slowdowns go out?

thanks, sorry my english .
25.01.2011 02:25
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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RE: Dreamcast Sd card
No thats not going to help, it is the CDDA audio that streams from the image of the game and causes the slowdown. It also has a transfer rate of under 5mbps I think, so not all games with CDDA work, as it is not currently supported and audio has to stream to the Yamaha sound processor.

It is hardware limitations of the Serial port in general that cause the lag in games. No matter ho0w fast the transfer rate is from the SD card, it will always create a bottleneck when going over the capacity of the port. Wven the adapers themselves will never be able to take advantage of their full speed potential, as it is the port in question that is causingg the stuttering.

Good news though, SWAT said he is still working on other things to improve the speed of the games in Dreamshell, but it takes time, and no matter how smart mister SWAT is, no ammount of optomized coding will circumvent the slow serial port speeds.
25.01.2011 03:03
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TuxTheWise Не на форуме

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RE: Dreamcast Sd card
Don't expect SD to replace your GD drive. It works fine for some games, but will never work as good as your GD drive.

(25.01.2011 03:03)Anthony817 писал(а):  No thats not going to help, it is the CDDA audio that streams from the image of the game and causes the slowdown.

CDDA does not work at all with DreamShell.
29.01.2011 19:43
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