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Dreamshell SD loader from VMU?
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Mario Не на форуме

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Dreamshell SD loader from VMU?
This may seem like a stupid question, so please bear with me.

I'm not sure how much space the SD loader for Dreamshell really takes up, but is it small enough to fit on a VMU?

Would it be possible to run the loader from the VMU, to load the Dreamshell files off the SD card and boot them?

I probably sound like every other ambitious noob who thinks the Dreamcast can do anything, though that is not the case, so sorry. Dodgy

[Изображение: jzcndj.gif]
20.02.2011 01:47
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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RE: Dreamshell SD loader from VMU?
Nope , it's not tooooo small but anyway Dreamcast cannot load anything from vmu directly . Dreamcast can boot from GD-ROM only except bios modification to load from sd card .
20.02.2011 01:51
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Mario Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Dreamshell SD loader from VMU?
That's what I thought. Thanks. That's too bad, though.

[Изображение: jzcndj.gif]
20.02.2011 01:56
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