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Uae4all Rc3 Amiga 500 emulator with SD Adapter support
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Uae4all Rc3 Amiga 500 emulator with SD Adapter support
I come bearing gifts!

Chui released his new Amiga 500 emulator, and it has many new improved features!

- Increased speed around 30%: Significant improvements in both the rendering of sound and the video.
- Support for savestates: They usually occupy a 300-400Ks so it is necessary to SD card.
- Support for SD cards. Create a folder 'uae4all' in the root of the SD card which saves disk savestates and differences.
- Using the latest FAME Motorola 68000 core: Even more stable and faster.

I have created an sdiso and included 452 roms!


You can thank him here.


I do have a huge problem though, I can get the sdiso to load on my 2gb sd card fine, but when I try and load it from my 32gb card, it gives me an error in Dreamshell.

Apparently Dreamshell don't like large cards like I have. I can get regular sdiso's of retail games loading no problem, but it really must not like homebrew at all.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 09.04.2011 в 09:35, отредактировал пользователь Anthony817.)
07.04.2011 13:39
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Uae4all Rc3 released with SD card support
My SD card has been quiet lately - this looks like a good reason to fire it up! Thanks to all involved (especially for preparing an SD compatible iso!)

08.04.2011 22:01
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #3
RE: Uae4all Rc3 released with SD card support
Okay, I just loaded this up via SD Card - The emu works fine (loads okay) but I can't see the roms folder. I can browse for the folder but the directory is empty (even though it should be 'roms' and full of roms)

Any ideas?
08.04.2011 22:57
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #4
RE: Uae4all Rc3 released with SD card support
It is not full of roms when you extract it? I have no idea, but I got the roms from another amiga emulator disc I had burnt previously, I just ripped them off of it and added them to the package.

When you start this emulator for the first time, it creates a new folder called uae4all, in the sd card root. Is this the folder you are browsing? It would appear empty but it is used for storing save states.
09.04.2011 00:19
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arthur2shedsjackson Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #5
RE: Uae4all Rc3 released with SD card support
I managed to fix the problem soon after - I had to put the uae.iso and 'roms' folder in the root folder - then it browed and loaded roms okay.

Messed around with James Pond 2 but a LOT of the other games simply don't work - Did you test out the roms before including them? It's probably a painfully tedious process but if someone could go through all the roms and take out all the ones that don't work I think it would be better.
09.04.2011 01:59
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Anthony817 Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #6
RE: Uae4all Rc3 released with SD card support
Oh, no I didn't test the roms. I got them from my old cd I had of an older version of the emulator I downloaded from dcisozone.

G'luck mein freund. Wink Ich hoffe es alle werks! I know that was horrible Deutsch lol. Grammatik is not my strong point. Tongue
09.04.2011 02:40
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Dingo Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #7
RE: Uae4all Rc3 Amiga 500 emulator with SD Adapter support
WOW! This got faster? I thought it was darn fast already. Very cool. I'll check it out later. It will be much easier to add/remove roms(disk images) with SD support.

This was already my favorite emulator on the DC for 'classic' computer gaming... these improvements are very interesting indeed.
12.04.2011 19:02
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