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Is this possible? Dreamshell!!
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cast128dreams Не на форуме

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Is this possible? Dreamshell!!
Hi Swat i am really enjoying the Dreamshell..Congratulations..Its one of the best things for Dreamcast scene so far.I just cant stop adding games in my card..

It still has some bugs..For example..You cant exit the game and return to Dreamshell it freezes and you have to reastart the console..Would be nice to include an option "Retun to Dreamshell or Exit game and return to Dreamshell"...Is this possible?

Just a few ideas man..Is its possible to include the video and audio codecs from other video apps to Dreamshell...So it could play them without opening any other app for example Dc player...Just like other OS...Is this possible?
Also about the graphical interface..I thought it would nice for games and apps at the right you could see a photo of the games..Like a preview.
I know iam asking to much but dont get me wrong iam a fan of Dreamshell!!!!
Thats all...So far your app is operating my Dreamcast everyday ...Thank so much for supporting the Dreamcast...
Greetings form Greece!!!!
06.06.2011 17:13
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SWAT Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #2
RE: Is this possible? Dreamshell!!
All this is possible. It would be free time Smile

[Изображение: barbers.png]
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07.06.2011 в 08:02, отредактировал пользователь SWAT.)
07.06.2011 07:56
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