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[DC] Tutorial: Neo4All game + + + CDDA SelfBoot
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aldair Не на форуме

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[DC] Tutorial: Neo4All game + + + CDDA SelfBoot
Can someone help me understand how to do!


Download the file HERE Unzip UTIL items util.exe pack p / (c: \) this is done extract the iso + mp3 c / o
winrar extract the contents of the iso w / Data folder (c: \ data \) copy
the files from the NEO4ALL RC2 (c: \ NEO4ALL RC2 \) p / a data folder (c: \ data \). done this
Criar_Imagem.bat run the file (c: \ Criar_Imagem.bat) p / data.iso create the c: \
Copy the iso date (c: \ data.iso) w / a folder (c: \ 1 \).
Copy all mp3 game NeoGeoCD p / mp3_to_wav folder (C: \ mp3_to_wav \) and
we rename the tracks following the example:
Last Blade - Track 02.mp3 Track01.mp3 will be, do it w / all mp3.
Done it open w / Notepad file (Mp3 To Wav.bat) and
Edit the lines following the example already included until some c / n º of the tracks
mp3 that has the game that you are using, in my case the game "The Last Blade" that
has 41 tracks 02a41 I added other lines w / conversion.
After editing save the file and run it w / start the conversion of p mp3 / wav.
Now copy all the songs (wav) w / a folder (c: \ 1 \) and run the
segacuemaker.exe and name w / a *. cue m1
Once that's done run the Criar_Imagem.bat (c: \ 1 \ Criar_Imagem.bat)
expects to complete the conversion and you will see the file image.cdi folder (c: \ 1 \ image.cdi)
There, they saw how easy it is. Now just write c / o Alcohol 120%
mode General Protected CD / Raw DAO at the slowest speed your burner supports.

Is that so?
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 13.07.2019 в 15:13, отредактировал пользователь aldair.)
26.03.2012 17:49
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Василий Не на форуме
aka VasiliyDC and Basilio

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RE: [DC] Tutorial: Neo4All game + + + CDDA SelfBoot
Цитата:Download the file HERE Unzip UTIL items util.exe
Download what ? Do you have that util.exe ?
26.03.2012 18:19
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tien_huu_1408 Не на форуме

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RE: [DC] Tutorial: Neo4All game + + + CDDA SelfBoot
Anyone can help me build Neo4Al RC4l self-boot disc for Samurai Spirits RPG to work on Dreamcast?
23.07.2017 16:21
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aldair Не на форуме

Сообщений: 765
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Сообщение: #4
RE: [DC] Tutorial: Neo4All game + + + CDDA SelfBoot
(26.03.2012 18:19)Василий писал(а):  
Цитата:Download the file HERE Unzip UTIL items util.exe
Download what ? Do you have that util.exe ?
Press the ¨renomeiar¨ button of the FlexRena84 program.

Download Self-BootDATA: https://mega.nz/#!SzYXCCBI!m8-WqvIxeA13h...b2x-wzTEto

Nero7: https://mega.nz/#!nyQECSLS!CYrBU_w9-COmR...XHq6hgmvsQ

Rename the Track as in the picture below:

[Изображение: x1ofSBwl.png]


[Изображение: sWTpQAhl.png]




13.07.2019 14:33
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