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I'm having some problems with Dreamshell
I am having a couple of problems for which I can't find any advice or guidance through Google or the FAQ, and I'm hoping that somebody here can help.
1. Version compatibility. Dreamshell 4.0.0, Beta 4 works just fine for me. I can run ISOs from my SD card with no problem. But the RC1 version won't even boot on my Dreamcast (I get the initial DC logo, but never see a Dreamshell screen. I just get the four standard options at the "dancing controller" screen that you get if you boot up with no disc at all, and it simply won't recognize the disc. Everything seemed to burn just fine in Discjuggler, and the file structure looks OK when I look at the disc in Windows. Am I doing something wrong? Special Discjuggler option I should have used while burning? Are there some DC models that are incompatible with RC1?
2. Playing homebrew games from the SD card. When I'm done with a game, is there some controller button or keyboard sequence that will take me back out to the file browser, so that I can starta new game without having to cycle power to the DC? It seems like I've tried about every combination, but nothing works. I always have to power off and then back on again to change SD-ISOs.
Again, any pointers would be highly appreciated.
12.01.2013 05:24 |

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RE: I'm having some problems with Dreamshell
Thank you very much!
15.01.2013 06:23 |