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Short demo of GDEMU v4 prototype in action.
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SWAT Не на форуме

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RE: Short demo of GDEMU v4 prototype in action.
(17.05.2014 12:25)zero35 писал(а):  
(16.05.2014 22:37)SWAT писал(а):  Unfortunately WinCE games still not supported Sad
thanks for your reply,now the disc reading speed is improved with the g1-ata,I expect the next version will support load the wince gamesTongue

Try run games in DMA mode (not all works with it for now) and reading speed will simply amaze you Smile
For example for me in DMA mode works DOA2, Sonic Adventure 2, Power Stone 2... You can try every game, maybe you have luck in other games.
So I hope to do support DMA in all working games than support WinCE in next version.

[Изображение: barbers.png]
17.05.2014 12:32
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Dreamkey Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #22
RE: Short demo of GDEMU v4 prototype in action.
(13.04.2014 18:58)SWAT писал(а):  
(13.04.2014 13:47)phoenix писал(а):  "An external HDD would surely need an AC adapter, especially if it was a 3.5" drive. I doubt even a 2.5" drive would work, but I don't know what kind of power output the serial port has. I would expect it to be minimal. The CPU bottleneck would make such an adapter unattractive, anyway."

Yes, need external power.

I'm wondering, I have 2.5" internal HDD using 5V@ 0.7A.
Since the GD-rom reader isn't actively used, it shouldn't drain a lot of power. So do you think the internal Dreamcast power supply should be enough to provides the power for the hard disk?
29.05.2014 17:48
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cybdyn Не на форуме

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Сообщение: #23
RE: Short demo of GDEMU v4 prototype in action.
possible. try use DC-DC converter ic "7805" , there is model w/ 1A output current.
a similar one is used on the native gd-drive board. so we can use 12v to get 5v , as power supply of HDD.
but better use some kind of heat shield to dissipate of heat from convertor
(it's in theory, i'm only going to use such scheme in future)
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 29.05.2014 в 18:02, отредактировал пользователь cybdyn.)
29.05.2014 17:57
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